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Review Of The Ideas Of Human Nature In Marx's "das Kapital"

Posted on:1999-11-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y ChenFull Text:PDF
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Marx's Capital is an encyclopedia. Besides a wealth of thoughts on economics, it is rich in phylosophical and ethical ideas, The thesis studies the relationship between economics and human nature elaborated by Marx in Capital from the angel of ethics.Marx makes a perfound discussion on human nature in Capital. Putting human nature into economic relationship and all the other social relationships, he expounds scientific materialist human nature deeply and concretely. He has a distinct theme: Economics and human nature develop dialectically, with both internal unity and prefond contradiction between them. Economics determinates human nature, while human nature has an initiative effect on economics.The development of economics provides necessary material foundation for the development of human nature, while use development ox human nature is amnexorable result of the development of economics and an exerts an active influence on. the development of economics. The development of economics, on one hand, raises man's stutus, value and ability as the subject, while on the other hand, it brings about the materialism, alienation of than, and a series of deep social contradictions and distortion of human nature. The capitalist mode of produc-tion precedentedly develops the materialism, alienation of man. Therefore in order to eliminate the contradictions, it ' s to crucial to develop greatly the productive forces, to replace backward natural division labour to form a solide material foundation for a full development of human nature; It's crucial to abolish backward private own-ership of materials of production, including capitalist private ownership of materials of production, and establish public ownership of materials of production, i. e, socialist and communist public ownership of materials of product - ion to form a substantial social foundation for the development of human nature;It's crucial to develop extensively the facilities for education to provide spiritual foundation. It's only on these material, social, and spiritual foundations that the ideal state of human nature, i.e, man's freedom and comprehensive development, can be achieved, and thus the real freedom and emancipation of human being can be realized.Around this theme which Marx takes up in Capital, following the new trains of thought on human nature provided by Marx, the thesis expounds a theoretical disscussion from two espects, i. e, concrete human nature in commodity economy, esp. capitalist commodity economy,, and concrete human nature in communist society in the future. In Capital, Marx distinctly points out the new means and new trains of thought for studying human nature. He say: 'If we want to apply a principle to the study of want, want to evaluate man' s actions, behaviours, and relationship, etc, according to the principle of effectiveness, at first, we must study general human nature, then make a research on human nature in every age which has changed historically. "This tells us that for studying human nature.We must study from two angels:general human nature and Concrete human nature. The study of concrete human nature must be based on the study of general human nature. This are the new trains of thought on human nature provided by Marx in Capital.In the first part of the thesis, from the observation and study of the new trains of thought to study human nature, the author discussesthe real content of Marx's narration on studying human nature:from general human nature to concrete human nature, makes a profound analysis no the comprehensive and deep - going study on the content of general human nature and on the concrete forms of the changes of human nature in capitalist society complying with the new trains of thought, thus argues that Marx finds reasonable and scientific means to study human nature.In obedience to the new trains of thought, in the second part of the thesis, the author expounds that how Marx disscusses concrete human nature in commodity economy, esp. capitalist commodity e-conomy. In Capital, Marx points out that the dual nature of commodity determin - ates the dual nature of human nature in commodity economy, i. e, seeking gains for oneself and providing service for others. If the relationship between seeking gains for oneself and providing service for others is handled properly, i. e, to seek gains in. the process of providing service for others, the essential character of the subject of commodity economy will be good, and "moral mantis the typical representative of this kind of human nature, Whereas the essential character of the subject commodity economy will be evil, and "economical man"is the typical representative.In the third part of the thesis, the author discusses how Marx expounds concrete human native in communist society in the future. Marx's analysis tells us that only in the future commodity society can be realized the ideal state of man:freedom and comprehensive development of man, be realized as only in communist society exist the contradictions required for man's ideal state. In the communist society in the future, the great development of the forces of production provides ample material foundation for the realization of man's idealstate, at the same time, the establishment of reasonable social relationship provides social foundation. While based on the two foundations, extensive development of facilities for education provides spiritical conditions. Therefore, the realization of the ideal state of communist human nature, the overall emancipation for man in real meaning, is not illusion, but natural production of certain objective historical conditions. This is a scientific conclusion obeying historical materialism.In one word, through study on Marx's thoughts of human nature in Capital, we know that human nature in commodity ecomony may be not the same as the reality of human nature in capitalist commodity economy. The capitalist mode of production is a general origin for the changes of human nature, there is no real humanity in such a society.It's only in the future communist society that thorough e mancipation and freedom of human nature can be achieved. The idealstate of human nature freedom and comprehensive development will eventually appear. This is undoubtedly very significant for deepening knowledge for capitalism and firming the conviction for communism.
Keywords/Search Tags:Kapital",
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