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The Non-intellectual Factors And The Ideological Political Education

Posted on:2007-10-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y C HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360182489753Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Any practical behavours, including the ideological and political education, must be based on all of the psycholgical factors and they have different affects, some effect the behaviours directly and they are integrate, called the psycholgical composition; they are the "excuting—manipulating" system, including the sensation, memory,thinking, imagination and attention, which are also called intellectual factors.The others effect the behaviours indirectly and they are not integrate, called the psycholgical condition;they are the "motivating—adjusting" system, includin the needs, attitude, motives, interesting, temperament, disposition, emotion, conviction and determination, etc. which are also called the non-intellectual factors.In practical behaviours, how the psycholgical composition and the psycholgical condition integrate means how the intellectual factors and the non-intellectual factors integrate. Only do they integrate well we can practise effectively.In the past, becauce of the lack of the non-intellectual factors or the psycholgical condition,we didn't behave effectively in the praactice of the ideological and political education.So we should pay more attention to the non-intellectual factors to intiate the psycholgical condition.The introduction divides "Non-intellectual Factors" into three levels by using "Systematic Views", including broad,narrow and specific non-intellectual factor. Without intellectual factors(sensation, memory, thinking.imagination & attention),the board non-intellectual factor means all the psychological factors, environmental factors, physiological factors and moral charactor, etc. The narrow factors include needs, attitude, motives, interesting, temperament, disposition, emotion, conviction and determination/The specific non-intellectual factors indicate ideal conviction,national emotion,moralemotion;achievement motives,knowledge thirst, studying enthusiasm; self-respect, self-confidence, self-outshine; responsibility, obligation, honour; self-control, persistent, independence. This thesis compares and analyses the similarities and differencesb between the "Non-intellectual Factors" and the " Intellecyual Factors".The first chapter discusses the great value of "Non-intellecyual Facyors"to the ideological and political education.With confirming the foundational position of "Intellectual Factors" to ideological and education,from the "Static State",the "Non-intellectual Factors" are the organtic parts of the individual ideological characters;from the "Dynamic State",the course of the ideological and political education means mainly the course of cultivating the "Non-intellectual factors";and the excellent "Non-intellectual factos" can acccelerate the "All-round Development for People".With projecting the...
Keywords/Search Tags:The Non-intellectual Factors, The Intellectual Factors, The Ideological and Political Education, The Relation, The Initiation
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