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System And Method Of Emergency Management Of Unexpected Public Events For Small And Medium-sized Cities

Posted on:2008-04-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C P TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360218459895Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During the turning period of economy and society, China is facing complicated contradictcons.The complicated contradictions as well as natural calamities,accident disasters,public health and security problems result in high probability of unexpected public emergency events.Viewed from sphere,frequency, scale and organization,China is in the frequently-occuring period of unexpected pubic emergency events.New research and study have been made on theory and application of emergency management at national level at present.However, unexpected emergencies mostly occar at basic units or localities.Middle-sized and small cities occupy a high proportion of total cities in China.However, study on how to strengthen capability of middle-sized and small cities of dealing with unexpected emergency is just at the beginning.This thesis took emergency management of unexpected public events as object of study, studied how to construct the system of emergency management organization,mechanism, measure and method of middle-sized and small cities.The study of this thesis was based on China's real situation.It used the related emergency management theories,experiences for refrence.The main content is as bellow.Ⅰ. Introduction discussed the background, aim, and object, technical route of the study and the new ideas of the research. It also explained the related concepts and theories of emergency management.Ⅱ. It studied and analysed successful emergency management experiences of developed countries with comparative management theory.It analysed American orgnization system and operating mechanism of emergency management,for it's ripe in experience.It also analysed the core organization and coordination mechanism of Japanese and Russian emergency management,for Japan has lots of experience dealing with natural calamities and Russia is good at dealing with man-made crisis.Then it concluded some profitable inspiration for constructing emergency management system of middle-sized and small cities in China.Ⅲ. Through analysing the history, representative figures and tipical achievements of the study on unexpected public emergency events,it proved that China is in the frequently-ocuring period of public emergencies.It analysed both international and domestic economical,cultural and other factors that mainly caused unexpected pubic crisis,and revealed the problems and shortcomings of our emergency management.Based on the analysis of some tipical model of emergency management in our country, it concluded that China should construct a comprehensive emergency management system.Ⅳ. It studied the government emergency management organization stuctrue and system,and revealed nine principles of constructing emergency management system.It analysed the entrustment-agency relationship and their mechanism of impelling and restriction, set a modle of game and modle of entrustment-agency using entrustment-agency theory and game theory.,It analysed the aim,subject and index ofachievement evaluation of emergency management,using achie vement evaluation theory.It set up a pattern of achievment evaluation for emergency management orgnization,and tested the pattern, taking suzhou city as example,using AHP—multilevel fuzzy evaluation theory.Ⅴ. It analysed the processes of the unexpected public emergency events from the view of system theory.It used time-series-analysis theory to analyse the whole process of emergency response:Before Events (preparation,early warning),During Events(respons,control),After events (rehabilitation) and revealed the time-series principle in emergency management for middle-sized and small cities.Ⅵ. Taking middle-sized and small cities(Suzhou) as background,using the analysis method given in this thesis,it analysed some types and living examples of emergency management in unexpected public crisises,gave advice to optimize the system,and tested the model given in the thesis.In the end,this thesis discussed the direction of furthur study briefly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Middle-sized and small cities, Unexpected public emergency events, Emergency management, System, Method
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