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Mobile Community

Posted on:2011-10-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1116360302999714Subject:Political Theory
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This dissertation mainly copes with the rural-unban migration in the perspective of socio-culture. By investigation, I believe that the labourers'emigrations and their behaviors in the city are at variance with what many scholars have described in other perspectives. Their perspectives are political-economic ones which argue that peasants'emigrations are influenced by policy which features Huji system and the Urban-rural dual economic structure. Under the condition of Huji system and dual economic structure, the peasants in nonlocal territories cannot share the welfare with the residents of city. As a consequence, they return to their hometown or leave some relatives at home. The theory confuses the relation between policy and peasant's emigration. In other words, does looser policy make peasant migrate or peasants' migration make policy looser? By the fact of peasant worker, Huji system reform is adapted to the trend instead of the opposite. As a result, the most scholars insist that economic pull makes the peasant out of their villages over resistance of other aspects in city, which produced a series of theories such as relative surplus of labourer force in villages, comparative benefit, anticipated income and so forth. These theories concerning economy worked well, but it also faced a number of problems. The key problem is that these theories ignored the difference of peasant-laboring area, and intentionally or unintentionally neglect the fact that rural-urban migrants are in cluster. Specifically, villagers leave for any developed regions because of anticipated income or lack of arable land. However, the villager only goes to some developed areas. Discrimination of workplace typifies left-peasants at home, working near community or near the immigrant ghettos. These facts show that the economic and socio-cultural factors affect rural-urban migration altogether, which indicates the difficulty of transformation from Gemeinschaft to GeselIschaft and the method of adaptation of peasant when they suddenly expose themselves to the modernity. Taking account of the difficulty of transformation and the peasants'reaction to modernity, the treatise creates an explanatory framework of Mobile Migration that implies the socio-cultural reason of peasants'migration and overcomes the shortages of explanations in political-economical perspective.Since Mobile Community is an explanatory framework including two interlocking key concepts:mobility and community. It has two implications. On the one hand, mobility implies that the villagers migrate in regarding with economic aspect, while community implies that the villagers move in respect of socio-cultural aspect. Taking these two aspects into consideration, the peasants who leave their hometowns demonstrate three characteristics. Firstly, the rural-urban migrants leave their relatives at home when they work far away from their hometown. Secondly, they choose to work near their villages when the local salary is the same as that of the developed region or a little smaller than that of the developed. Finally, if the peasants have to find job opportunity far away from their community, they emigrate to ghettos. On the other hand, this theory also manifests the embarrassment of peasants'transformation. It is the real intentions that Karl Max, Ferdinand Toennies, Emile Durkheim and other thinkers anxiously wanted to express. Transformation of the villagers enunciates the reality. With modernity factor hardly affecting the villages far away from modernity by communicational system, the transformation that characterizes economical and individual modernization has to meet its end by mobility. During the course of change, rural-urban migrants act as the vehicle with information current and modern factor, but villagers who leave their community for city must be disturbed by modernity. In order to avoid the adverse consequences, this type of villages takes the form of community of mobile community to reach modernization. Overall, Mobile Community is a kind of way which peasants accept to reconcile community with society. What's more, the concept theoretically responds to the classic antinomy between community and society.
Keywords/Search Tags:community, rural-urban migration, mobile community, rural transformation
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