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On The Internal Power Structure And Its Running Mechanisms In Today's Public Universities Of The P.R.C

Posted on:2012-09-06Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117330332997345Subject:Political Theory
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This research has as its starting point the complicated arguments concerning the relationship between academic power and administrative power inside public universities. One of the purposes of this paper is to explore and orient the proper relationship between these two types of power in the power field inside public universities. The ultimate concern of this paper is the maintenance and development of the ideal of university. The historical review of the evolution process of the power structure inside public universities in the history of China and the comparative study of the power structure and its running process help further discern the venation of the development of the power structure in China's public universities as well as the relationship between this power structure and the development of universities per se. The introduction of the state of affairs concerning the power structure of public universities in developed countries like UK, USA and Germany into this paper is meant to provide necessary reference for further exploration of our universities. What's more, the overwhelming trend of globalization make this comparison ever more indispensable.The investigation and description of the internal power structure of public universities in China and its running process helps further exact the problems and troubles involved in this whole process. Among the power relations inside our public universities, the relationship between academic and administrative powers is viewed as the most vital. This does not necessarily mean that the power of the Party Committee and student power are not important. Rather, it is meant to emphasize the fact that successful management of the relationship between academic power and administrative power is the precondition for the enhancement of the Party leadership, the realization of student power and the sound protection of student rights. It is also a precondition for the realization of the functions of universities and the carrying on of the ideal of university. The ushering in of the era of globalization has changed in a fundamental way the economic, social and cultural conditions upon which universities are set, and the breaking down of barriers of communication between universities on this globe makes it possible for all the universities to come together in the real sense of that world via global education market and global educational exchange. This is another aspect that we cannot afford to ignore in our discussion of the internal power structure of our public universities. The strengthening of global ties, the appearance of global actors and the nuanced changes in the functioning of sovereign states direct people's attention to the conception of governance and good governance, which provides a fitting perspective for our exploration and discussion of the internal power structure in our public universities. The conception of governance and good governance promises a good guide for the healthy and rational development of the power structure and power relations inside our universities.Introduction and conclusion aside, this paper consists of six chapters.Chapter one focuses on the historical development of the internal power structure of our public universities. Since modern times, the external environment for the development of our public universities has been terrible. The establishment of our public universities was meant for the rescue of our nation from extinction, the unsealing of the intelligence of our people and the fighting back against invaders. The its process of development, in encountered the invasion of China by western powers, the warfare among warlords, the anti-Japanese War, etc. In a word, the external environment for development is terrible. While on the other hand, our public universities developed fast in this terrible environment and even attained short-time splendor in Southwest United University. The reasons for this include the control of the universities by professors, academic autonomy, academic freedom and the priority of academic power over administrative power in their interaction. The founding of the PRC witnessed further development of our higher education, while regrettably, the achievement attained under state interference encouraged further and comprehensive interference from the government and the situation began to worsen. The Cultural Revolution pushed this logic to its extreme and our higher education came to a standstill. After our reform and opening up, state control of the higher education was loosened to some extent; while on the other hand, the government is unwilling and unable to leg go its control over higher education given the importance of the latter. The problems and troubles inside universities provide another reason for the continuance of state control. The top-bottom logic of state control extends itself into universities, bringing with it the explosive expansion of administrative logic, the swelling of administrative organs, and the extrusion of academic power as a result.Chapter two of this paper is concentrated on the present state of affairs of the internal power structure of western public universities. This comparison helps us to further understand the internal power structure and power distribution inside our public universities. Although there are some similarities between our public universities and those of western countries like UK, USA and Germany, there are some fundamental differences: first, the degree of local autonomy of our public universities is rather low and the control and management is essentially in the hand of the central government. In the western countries examined in this paper, state government and local government have considerable power over local affairs concerning higher education and the federal government only provide legal and policy guidance, hence diversities in their higher education. Second, we do not enjoy the same level of autonomy concerning our academic research and the management of the universities by professors. Our central government controlled the direction of our scientific research via the application, examination and approval of research projects to the detriment of academic autonomy. In the three countries examined in this papers, professors participate extensively in the management and running of the universities, esp. via different councils and committees, while the participation of our professors in the running of our universities is far from enough. Third, managerialism is a discernable trend in the three countries examined to counter the fierce competition among universities. The key word here is efficiency of management, while the administrative logic and hierarchical organization of our public universities leave no room for efficiency of management.Chapter three dwells on the reality and running practice of powers inside public universities. With the subject of power as a demarcation line, the powers inside public universities can be further divided into academic power, administrative power, power of the Party Committee, student power, etc. The differences of the bases upon which academic power and administrative power are relied determine the different characteristics of them. Academic power has as its basis professional knowledge and it is highly personal. It is a soft power, while its realization is relatively uncertain. By contrast, administrative power relies on administrative position, which is hardly personal. It is a legal power and enjoys institutional rigidity. As for their running, academic power is to a certain degree dispersive, democratic and flowing. It is from the bottom to the top, which make it necessary for it to rely on other powers for its realization. The realization of running of administrative power is from the top to the bottom and is hierarchical, which promises integrity and assured conformity. With the recognition and strengthening of the Party leadership in our public universities as a precondition, the power right next to the power of Party committee is administrative power. The leadership of the Party over universities is built and strengthened in a cumulative manner. The leadership of the Party manifests itself in the organization, thought and grand direction of universities, while it can by no means replace administrative power, academic power and student power. As for the relationship between the power of the Party committee and administrative power, we should on the one hand make clear the leadership of the Party committee over administrative power and administrative organs, while on the other hand, we must further clarify the division of power and responsibility between the Party committee and administrative power. The scale and number of working staff of the Party committee should be strictly watched. Compared with academic power and administrative power, student power in our public universities does not receive due attention it deserves. This may have something to do with the fluidity and academic duty of students, while more to the point is the fact that we are lacking in the institutional and actual protection and assistance for the realization of student power. This in essence is still the reflection of the logic of bureaucracy.Chapter four of this paper deals with the dilemma in the running of powers inside our public universities. At present, the fact of strong administrative power and weak academic power is irrefutable. The generalization of administrative power reflects itself in the following way: first, administrative power inside public universities grows unproportionately, the logic of administration holds the upper hand and universities look more like yamuns. Second, the administrative organs swell with redundant staff members, which results directly in low efficiency. Third, administrative power abides its time. When the demarcation of power and duty is unclear, it will actively seek to enlarge its influence, while it is clear, it will try to evade its duty and responsibility. The other side of the same coin is weak administrative power, which makes the ideal of university impossible to realize. A natural conclusion is the strengthening of academic power, the advocation of academic autonomy and academic freedom, and the practice of putting the running of the universities in the hands of professors. While on the other hand, it should be emphasized that the strengthening of academic power is somehow closely related to academic misdemeanors and academic corruption. Therefore, we should strengthen academic power while at the same time regulate academic misdemeanors. This is highly dependent on the benign interaction between administrative power and academic power. Also, we should uphold the ideals of academic duty and adhere strictly to academic ethics, and a healthy atmosphere in the academic community can also help.Chapter five engages itself in the tackling of the challenges confronted by the power structure of public universities in the process of globalization. The process of globalization strongly influences the economic, social and cultural conditions upon which higher education relies. Furthermore, all the nations view higher educational institutions as a bridgehead in their confrontation with globalization. When it comes to the power structure inside public universities, the influences of globalization manifests themselves in the following respects: first, globalization and the logic of global market of higher education make it even harder for administrative power to tackle. The horizontal ties avalanched in the process of globalization presents the logic of administrative power from top to bottom a serious crisis, while the professional knowledge needed in these ties is another serious problem for administrative power. Second, the strengthening of the horizontal ties among universities on this globe provides academic power with real opportunities to emerge as the most important power in public universities. Third, globalization, the global production of knowledge and the way in which knowledge is produced further reveal the importance of scholars and other subjects of academic power.Chapter six of this paper is about the reformulation of the power structure inside out public universities and the reform of the governance mechanism. The introduction of the conceptions of governance and good governance provides new standard and guidance for the running of powers inside our public universities. The realization of good governance of our public universities and powers inside them calls our attention to the following aspects: first, the legitimacy of the administrative power should be enhanced. It should exert its influence within the range of authorization by our laws and regulations; it should also improve its efficiency and it should also contribute to the realization of the functions of universities. Second, it should publicize information and promote transparency and endeavor to reduce asymmetry of information. This on the one hand can ensure a better service for teachers and students and on the other hand can make it easier for the latter to supervise and monitor the former. Third, a responsibility system for administrative organs and university officials should be carried out. Rewards and punishments should accord only to the performance. Certain enough, the running of administrative power should abide by relevant laws and regulations and its responsiveness towards the needs of teachers and students should also be strengthened. As to the academic power, its fluidity and decentralized nature make it even harder for people to tackle its alienation. We should further improve the institutional support for academic power, promote its procedural feature and advocate academic duty and academic ethics. Academic research is becoming a more and more expensive enterprise and sound employment of academic resources in the hands of researchers should also be emphasized. Furthermore, the enlarged scale of academic research and the further division of labor in it also present new and complicated challenges for the smooth and healthy running of academic power.
Keywords/Search Tags:administrative power, academic power, student power, globalization, good governance
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