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Research On The Quality Marketing Of Teaching University : Theory And Strategy

Posted on:2012-04-10Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y R ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117330362455542Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese University is in a competition and development era that full of opportunities and challenges. For the purposes of Teaching University in China,it has the good development opportunities that Mass Higher Education has brought to it, but it is facing the serious quality crisis and the severe market competition at the sametime, and its sustainable development is aslo faced with enormous challenges. How to strengthen quality management of higher education to ensure and enhance the quality of higher education, resolve the quality crisis, win the trust and support of external public and gain long-term competitive advantage, is the primary issue for the development of Teaching University. Therefore,Teaching University must learn the advanced quality management idea from enterprise. Quality Marketing,as the forefront idea of corporate quality management, is in line with the internal demands of Higher Education Quality and University Management. To achieve sustainable development, Teaching university must introduce Quality Marketing idea.Quality Marketing is the inevitable choice for the development of higher education market. Quality Marketing ,closely integrated with University Management, is a kind of pioneering quality strategy,and it brings Higher Education Quality Management up to a new stage. In this paper, the structure model of Quality Marketing of Teaching University is built based on the "Quality Management Trilogy "of Quality management expert Dr Juran. Quality Planning, Quality Control and Quality Improvement in the "Quality Management Trilogy "are enhanced and expanded to Quality Strategic Planning, Quality Management and Quality Innovation. According to the export-oriented characteristics of Quality Marketing, Quality Competition is considered as an essential part of Quality Marketing. It is an extension function of Quality Marketing on the basis of Quality Management.So Quality Marketing of Teaching University is divided into four structure modules, Quality Strategic Planning, Quality Management, Quality Innovation and Quality Competition.In the four structure module of University Quality Marketing, Quality Strategic Planning is the starting point. The Quality Strategic Planning can make the university administrators stand on a higher level view of the eduction quality, breakthrough the conservative of the university and cause the university to transform to the pioneering university. Quality strategic planning consists of five elements, namely, quality policy, quality objectives, quality strategic analysis, quality strategic focus, quality strategic measures. When Teching University make its Quality Strategic Planning ,it is necessary to set its quality strategic objectives scientifically combining with its positioning , strengthen the education quality information's collection and analysis, focus on innovative and competitive of the planning , and take into account the strategic flexibility.Quality Management is the basis of Quality Marketing, the implementation of quality management must be based on good internal quality management. Quality management and quality standards cannot be separated, the purpose of quality management is to facilitate the generation of the quality that accord with the quality standards. Teaching University's quality standards should be applied according to their quality of talent training objectives, adapt to market rules and the needs of students. Quality Management of Teaching University should focus on the customer's satisfaction and the education process, pay attention to the management of quality cost, strengthen the cultural construction of quality, and draw on a variety of enterprise quality management tools, methods, to the use, development and innovation, combined with the University's own characteristics. In addition, it is also necessary to design an integrated quality management system.Quality Innovation is the core of quality management, it is the fundamental point that Quality Marketing different from Quality Management. Only by continuously carrying out quality innovation, the University can create excellent quality and achieve sustainable development. The motive force of University Quality Innovation comes from interests pursuing, competition pressure,etc., the resource, organization and system are three major key elements of University Quality Innovation, at the same time University Quality Innovation is also a search, trial and error, learning and market selection process. Quality Innovation of Teaching University is a correlation innovative system consisting of education product / service innovation and education quality management innovation, curriculum innovation is in the core position of the innovation system. Teaching university's quality innovation, first of all, from the resource perspective, is to do a good management of key resources, mainly the quality innovation inputs, allocation of funds and the encouragement of creative talent. Second, from the organizational perspective,Teaching University need to change itself into an innovative organization, in order to provide organizational support for quality innovation and promote quality innovation effectively. Third, from the market perspective, Teaching University must depend on the market to carry on open innovation.Fourth, from the system perspective, Teaching University should build the quality innovation system of which the curriculum innovation is the core.Quality Competition is a path for university to achieving sustainable development and pursuiting excellence. Only if Quality Competition was regarded as the main competition means, could the Teaching University obtain the lasting competition advantage. University Quality Competition mainly has two patterns, cost of quality pattern and utility of quality pattern,and University Quality Competition can bring two kinds of spillover effects, standard effect and brand effect. Teaching University carries on Quality Competition needs to develop quality competence which is one of the important part of core competence of University. Training the quality competitence should take steps from breeding, forming and displaying.Moreover, Teaching University should utilize the brand effect that the quality competition brings to implement brand strategy and strive to become the brand university of all Teaching University.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teaching University, Quality Marketing, Quality Strategic Planning, Quality Management, Quality Innovation, Quality Competition
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