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Reflecting On Change Of Chinese Modern Science Education In View Of Culture

Posted on:2004-10-18Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C J GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360092997409Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Chinese modern science education (CMSE), suffered queries from more and more scholars who points out that it pays more attention to the knowledge of science but neglects scientific method and scientific spirit, shows new tendency. The reformers simply copy foreign educational theories without considering the unique problems of CMSE. However, CMSE has its special history that should not be neglected. In this thesis, A complex relationship between culture, science and science education will be revealed and the unique problems of CMSE will be announced in view of culture conflict between China and oversea. Therefore, the strategy to CMSE reform will be put forward.There are two important hypothesises in this thesis. One is that there are three parts in the culture: implement, system and national psychology. The other is that Chinese traditional learning has a special structure: "technique and metaphysics: two extreme" which influenced the development of CMSE.After Opium War (1840), cultrue conflict between China and oversea presented acutely in implement part, which formed a new slogan-"zhong ti xi yong" (it means Chinese traditional learning was regarded as foundation and "body" while the western learning include modern science was regarded as technique and "usage".) In Westernization Movement (to introduce techniques of capitalist production, initiated by comprador bureaucrats in the latter half of the 19th century in order to preserve the feudal rule of the Qing goverment.) , About 30 "Westernization Movement Schools", where CMSE came into being, were established and traditional academies also bagan to increase western courses. In these schools, science was regarded as technique. It is because that China, isolated more than 100 years from the world and was strongly influenced by the structure of Chinese traditional learning--"technique and metaphysics:two extreme", couldn't grasp the meaning of modem science rapidly. In this period, science education in missionary schools with different objects, contents and forms, severed as a window open to China.After China-Japan War (1894-1895), the attempt to put an end to the backwardness of China by Westernization Movement was evaporated. In this period, culture conflict presented acutely in system part. Imperial examination system, with a history over 1300 years, came to an end in 1905. A new education system including general science education system (different from that in Westernization Movement schools) was set up when China began to model itself on western countries (especially on Japan). But CMSE fell into dire straits very soon. It is because that CMSE was strangely influenced by pragmatism while general scientific thought was still very weak.The science education in the late of Republic of China came into a new stage when a new education system was established in 1922. The beginning age of science education was lowered in primary schools and science education was strengthened in middle and high schools while foreign education experts frequently participated in Chinese education reform and Chinese science culture began to form.In view of internal culture clues, CMSE was strengthened by "the may 4th movemtnt of 1919" and "Science and Metaphysics Argument in 1920's". On the contrary, in these movements, scientific spirit was lost because science, instead of metaphysics in "technique and metaphysics: two extreme" structure, showed priori, absolutely correct, then in diametrical opposition to its nature.In view of culture conflict, CMSE could be divided into two periods before "Reform and Open Policy in 1978". In first period (1949 -1957), a new education system, focusing on higher education and supported by key schools, was established rapidly while the culture conflict was hidden from view because China took wholesale weaternization (from former Soviet Union) policy. Science education was obviously weakened in primary schools but kept the same level in middle and high schools.In the period (1958-1965), escaping from the leading of former Sovi...
Keywords/Search Tags:Reflecting
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