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University Of The Spiritual Vision

Posted on:2005-07-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y F ChangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360125460017Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The reason why the university is regarded as the great is that the spirit of university is the basic spirit of the great. The research on the spirit of university can be developed from many kinds of angles of view. While the reason why I choose the angle of view of humanism is that not only it is the terminated significance of the topic of the spirit of university, but also I am to research the eternal difficult and hot issue in the research of the high educational theory by comprehensively applying the theories to many kinds of subjects such as the study of high education, the history of high education, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, aesthetics and the cultural study, etc. and with the aid of the means of document, history and comparison. I believe that I can meet the purpose of exposing the connotation of the spirit of university, pursuing the changes and variation of the Chinese and western spirit of university, researching and analyzing the the times' representation of the spirit of university, exploring the value of the spirit of university and reconstructing the spirit of university by probing into the losing of the spirit of university.The discourse is divided into six chapters except the introduction and the conclusion:The main content of the introduction contains: the origin of the issue, the significance of the research, the present condition of the research, the train of thought of the research and the means of the research, etc.Chapter One: Probing into the connotation of the spirit of university. I expose the connotation of the spirit of university by tracing back to the origin of the university and probing into the connotation of the university; meanwhile, I clearly analyze several relevant concepts of the spirit of university: the ideal of university, the mission of university and the target of university; finally I expound the selection of the angle of view of humanism.Chapter Two: The historical variation of the western university spirit. I mainly research the spirit of university of the classical humanism of Newman that "the university is established for the teaching and thestudents", the conception of "taking the human as the fundamentals" of Oxford University, the spirit of university of new humanism of Humboldt, the conception of "the integration of the teaching and the scientific research" of Berlin University, the American modern spirit of university of combining the humanism with the utilitarianism and the spirit of university in the postmodern language circumstances, and probe into their original relationships and the influence to the university and the university people.Chapter Three: The historical changes of Chinese spirit of university. I mainly research "the doctrine of the great learning" of "the great learning" in ancient times of China, the spirit of university of Peking University, Qinghua University, Nankai University and Zhejiang University, the existing relationship of the innovation, development and training of the talented of university, the distortion of the spirit of university in the period of the Cultural Revolution and the regression of the spirit of university during the past few years.Chapter Four: The times' representation of the spirit of university. I explore something of the same times of the Chinese and western spirit of university represented in the process of development from the following five aspects: the essence of the spirit of the times, the pursuit of the idea of university, the inheritation of the academic tradition, the presentation of the features of running university and the publication of the personality and disposition of the university people.Chapter Five: The research on the value of the spirit of university. I mainly analyze the value of the development, science, humanism and aesthetics of the spirit of university with the aid of the theories of multi-subject from the angle of view of humanism and the position of the function of the university spirit.Chapter Six: The establishment and development of the university spirit. I...
Keywords/Search Tags:The Spirit of University, The Angle of View of Humanism, The Times' Representation, The Value
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