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The Re-interpretation On The Idea Of The Human Science And The Natural Science From The Perspective Of Existentiale

Posted on:2004-02-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y JiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360155974052Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the modern time, the study on the relationship between the human science and natural science mainly focuses on two questions.The first one is how to clarify the position of the human science in the framework of knowledge theories;The second is how to understand the idea of science. Research on the first question aims to recover and clarify the meaning of human discipline as a kind of the ancient knowledge, resist the exclusive position of modern positive science knowledge in scientific knowledge theory and rectify the deviation of scientism in the modern time. The research on the second one is to completely realize the revolution of the science idea.Although science idea comes from the generality of the methods and spirits in specific research areas, as a kind of general scientific methodology principle, it is also used to guide concrete science research activity at the same time.The modern tendency of nature-sciencilization for the human science is certainly due to the principle of uniform and exclusiveness in the science methodology.In this sense, the second question is more basic than the first one. For the first question, contemporary scholars generally elucidate the human science as a kind of unique knowledge system from the natural science based on the perspective of the research methods, research objects of human science, which are different from the empirical natural science.The representative research was done by Wilhelm Winderlband, Heinrchi Rickerta, Ernst Cassirer in the area of Neo-kantianism and Dilthy in the Lebens philosophie.The most significant contributions came from Heideggera and his follower, Gardamer. Their deeply Existentiale exploration from the perspective of Existentle and the philosophy hermeneutics developed the history understanding method unique to the human science, in which the essence of the human science is attributed the human experience. On the second problem, contemporary thoughts such as society critical theory, the judgment phenomenology, science history, Neo-pragmatism, the inner research of philosophy of science research, is developing the modern science idea with the help of the criticism, which originated in Auguste Comte's positivism and was mature in the mainstream science idea of the logic positivism However their critique did not clarify the existential content of science idea in the whole so that they cannot provide a deep theoretical proof for resolving the confrontation between the human science and natural science. Following the tendency of humanism and person historisism in contemporary critiques on the natural science idea, this dissertation redefines the science idea as science experience from the perspective of Existentiale. In another word, natural science is essentially taken as a kind of life experience.Then the possibility is provided to realize the essential understanding of the unification of humanitas and science.This text follows the outline as above to explore the main topics. It is the angle of Existentiale that this text proposes to take for the research of the relationship between the humanitas and science phenomenon.Therefore the research methods in this text emphasize the application of the phenomenological methods, which elucidate conceptions in tracing history.This orientation of the method has an implication of replacingthe theory with history. However it should be clarified that the study of the conception history as a kind of historical research, aims to elucidate that the whole knowledge is essentially a kind of history experience based on the existence of human beings.Therefore the historical investigation of the process, in which the human experience experienced the natural-sciencilization and scientific-methodilization, intends to emphasize the historicity rather than an overview of the historical meaning.Following the combination of this method and the research topic, in the first and second part, this text mainly investigates the natural-sciencilization and scientific-methodilization in human experience. On the one hand, this research shows that the human disciplines in the history is transformed to the human science due to the influence of natural science idea.Insisting the scientific methodology of itself, natural science pursues to become a kind of general and standard science mode and dreams to provide a overstepping methodological principle for all the science research.This is the basic characteristic of human discipline and natural science in modern age and it is also the basic connotation of human science and natural science and the spiritual essence of science idea. On the other hand, this research also demonstrates that the sciencilization of human discipline turns out to be the result of the influence from natural science idea. The essence of science idea in the modern age is a kind of methodical idea in the positivism. So the natural-sciencilization and scientific-methodilization can be attributed to the natural science idea, which takes the scientific methodology of the positivism as its core. The disadvantage of the methodology idea and the language hegemony in the natural science to the human science and the natural science is the loss of human experience and scientific experience. The human experience's loss implies the missing of the innateunderstanding of the human disciplines.The monopoly of natural science at knowledge theories makes scientists to firmly believe that the natural science is the only form and standard mode. They either deny the human science's position at knowledge theories expelling the human sciences in the knowledge theories,Or confine the questions in human disciplines with the knowledge form of the natural science to research them in a natural science way. Although some humanists insist the independent position of human disciplines at the knowledge theories and try to confirm a kind of different knowledge form from natural science based on objectives and methods, they fail to explore the existence essence of the human disciplines and natural science due to the confinement of the methodology. Thus they fail to essentially understand the human disciplines through the perspective of human experience so that the human experience is lost.So there are two ways to explore the loss of the human experience. The natural sciencilization of the human disciplines make the human science to lose the identity to understand itself resulting in the loss of the human experience. The same danger happens to the natural science: because of the insistence of the scientific methodological principle, it confines itself to the empirical science, which only concerns about fact. The inability to realize the substantive rationality leads to the crisis of the science. Husserl recognized the reason of western science crisis as the forgetting about the live the world, while Habermas generalized it as the separation of "knowledge with interest"Whatever reasons they are, it is showed that modern natural science, which takes the spirit of positivism as its essence, has lost its life foundation and meaning premise, and becomes the no-root science experience in its ego understanding. After completely analyzing the historical characteristic and deep disadvantages of the natural-sciencilization and scientific-methodilization, thistext does not proceed to criticize the positivism methodology directly, while it goes further to discuss the knowledge premise, the epistemological premise and the humanity premise of knowledge theory in the modern science. Then the natural-sciencilization and scientific-methodilization are based on the acknowledgement of the human subjectivity and the world objectivity. That is, the humanity reflection in the division of subjectivity and objectivity finally make a basement for the scientific methodology of the positivism, which is not only the deepest thought premise of the science idea in the modern age, it also implies the disadvantages of the loss of the human experience and the science experience. Heigger has said, "but, where in danger, where too in plant salvation".Through the critiques to Kant's pre-empirical philosophy and the explanation of conceptions of the human and truth and the relationship between them from the perspective of exietentiale, Heigger interpreted the human and the truth based on the existentiale perspective and then realize the transformation of the philosophical theme as the premise of epistemology conversion.Then a new perspective was provided for understanding the essence and the relationship of the human science and the natural science. The fifth part of this text generalizes the viewpoints of Heidegger as three aspects: "the change of the way for human beings to understand themselves", "the essential understanding of the truth"and "making the foundation for the epistemology by existentiale". The main logic through the three aspects is as below:Hidegger's inquiry to sein set the priority of dasein in the ontolojisch and ontish, confirming the expanding form of dasein -----"Da-sein-in-the-world", the radical position in clarifying sein and Das sein.At the same time, because Heidegger took truth as truth of essence-----sein, dasein also gets a primary position and radical effect in the truth idea.All these cause the change in the way of human self-understanding and the change of the notions of truth and then make the base for the contemporary epistemology in a deeper level.On the way of human self-understanding, human becomes "Dasein"in the world from the transcendental subject; on the aspect of the truth notion, the objectivism truth notion is changed to the existentiale truth notion. The meaning is that all the contents of the cognition and reflection are not only the knowledge on the subject, a kind of epistemological and reflective cognition of the object, they are also the self-cognition and self-understanding for the human beings. The only variance is this self-cognition is not the notion of subjectivity, but the self-expression of the object as it is.Human is just the guarder of the truth. So the historical concerns should be emphasized to clarify its effects on self-cognition.The historical understanding of the conception is not only the understanding of the essence of the objectives, it is also a self-understanding based on the existence characteristics.So there comes the possibility of the self-understanding of the human science and the natural science. Gardamer inherited and developed the thoughts of Heidegger's "hermeneutics of dasein", and created the doctrine of philosophy hermeneutics, which is taken as the way of understanding human science's innate nature.In the Truth and Method Gardamer considered the discussion of the two problems "the truth appearance in art experience"and "the understanding problem that the truth problem is extended to the spirit science"as his exploration on the human science through the existentiale perspective.It should be noted that in the Truth and Method, Gardamer did not take art as the spirit science of history as he referred. However according to Gardamer, spirit science is different from the natural science since it take the temporality in the human spiritual activity as theobject unlike the natural science, which take the natural world as the object. In this sense, art belongs to human science as the spirit science about temporality from the humanitarianism tradition. On the two questions, Gardamer seek help from ontologic analysis on the spiel and wirkungsgeschichte to elucidate the essence of the existentiale and the truth nature of the art and the history. So it confirms the deserved position of the human disciplines in the knowledge theories by elucidating the essence of human science with the human experience. The existentiale of Heidegger and the philosophy hermeneutic of Gardamer not only provide the theoretical foundation for the self-understanding of the human science, but also provide the theoretical perspective for the self-understanding of the natural science.The initial form of the self-understanding of the contemporary natural science in the 20th century began with the self-understanding of the natural science, which is reflected in the research of the science philosophy on the epistemological problems.The science epistemology can be defined as comprehension method for the scientific research, which provides a methodology for the scientific cognition. The research of philosophy of science to the scientific methodology is not to provide a uniform method for each specific branch, while it focuses the preconditions, which make scientific knowledge to be possible.Therefore the research of philosophy of science on the science methodology is the philosophical reflection to the epistemology of natural science. It is the start of self-understanding for the modern natural science.The first form of this kind of self-understanding is the positivism science idea brought forward by the logic positivists. After logic positivism, the critiques of Kuhn's history doctrine in philosophy of science to the positivism science idea, the hermeneutics on thescience in the late 20th century and science hermeneutics have shown the tendency of self-understanding in the natural science.However the arguments above all focus on hermeneutic characteristics in specific science research, neglecting the understanding of the essence of science idea so that they cannot recognize the existentiale meaning of the science idea as a whole. This text depends on the previous research results on this topic. Through the existentiale perspective developed by Hidegger and Gardamer, the analysis of the empirical characteristics of science idea and the unavoidable humanity premise of scientific research, this paper demonstrates the disadvantages of the transcendental, unique, general science methodology idea insisted by the modern science and elucidates the existentiale meaning of natural science.It provides deep theoretical proof for correctly treating the relationship between human science and natural science and correctly understanding the idea of human science and natural science.
Keywords/Search Tags:Existentiale, Human science, Human discipline, Human experience, Science experience
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