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The Study Of The Teacher Education Paradigm Upon The Perspective Of The Continuum Of Objectivism-Subjectivism: Theoretical Foundations And Structural Characters

Posted on:2008-06-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360215979081Subject:Comparative Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since 1970s,there has been a turning of discourse in the study and practice of teacher education , and reflection , practice , dialogue , experience , construction , school-based , collaboration become popular vocabulary . The turning of discourse is based on the turning of philosophy ,sociology and psychology . In fact, the turning imply the transition of teacher education paradigm . Different teacher education paradigms is founded on specific theories , hold different viewpoints and result in different practice of teacher education. It provide an analysis frame for us to grasp the intrinsic assumption hid in diversiform and fluctuant teacher education form and make for grasping the outline and situation of the development of global teacher education when we probe into the teacher education paradigms .The foregoing study on teacher education paradigms lay particular stress on typology , but in my study ,I construct a analysis frame of objectivism- subjectivism continuum .In this frame , objectivism paradigms of teacher education is one aspect of the continuum , and subjectivism paradigms of teacher education is the other aspect of the continuum , each paradigm has its theoretical foundation and structural characteristics.In the preface, I account for the objective of the study , the key conception and the actuality of study .The paper is combined by six chapters , the former three chapters discusses the theoretical foundation of the two kinds of teacher education paradigm , and the other chapters discusses the structural characteristics of the two kinds of teacher education paradigm.The first chapter studies the philosophical foundation of the two teacher education paradigms. The objectivism paradigm is based on objectivism , especially its principal part——positivism , and the subjectivism paradigm is based on subjectivism , especially its principal part——hermeneutic and postmodernism. Subjectivism and objectivism has different notion in knowledge and human nature which leads to the difference between subjectivism teacher education paradigm and objectivism teacher education paradigm. The former regard the general theory as objective truth and teacher as passive receiver , whereas the latter regard teacher as active learner who construct their personal practice knowledge themselves.The second chapter studies the sociological foundation of the two teacher education paradigms. The objectivism paradigm is based on structural functionalism , which emphasizes shaping teachers'role and realizing socialization passively. The subjectivism teacher education paradigm is based on theory of symbolic interaction which call for teachers socialization independently. According to this theory , teachers are supposed to construct symbolic significance on their own through intercourse , interaction , dialogue , sharing and reflection.The third chapter studies the psychological foundation of the two teacher education paradigms. The objectivism paradigm is based on objectivism learning theory which emphasizes imparting knowledge to teachers and training them strictly. The subjectivism teacher education paradigm is based on constructivism learning theory which emphasizes some new learning ways such as self-directed learning , experience learning , situation learning and collaboration learning .The fourth chapter studies the goal of the two teacher education paradigms. The objectivism paradigm pursue the goal of accomplishing scheduled competence index and professional standard which is based on the study about effective teaching and the high quality teachers. The goal is exterior and rigid. The subjectivism paradigm pursue the goal of correcting teachers belief and constructing teachers'identity. The goal is internal and flexible.The fifth chapter studies the administration of the two teacher education paradigms. The administrative characters of objectivism teacher education paradigm is bureaucratic organization and scientific management which aim at efficiency and control. Teacher certificate system and teacher evaluation system play an important role in this kind of administration. The subjectivism paradigm regard the practice community as the organization carrier of teachers'professional development and attach importance to empowerment in the administration of teacher education .The sixth chapter studies the curriculum and teaching of the two teacher education paradigms. The objectivism teacher education paradigm give priority to abstract theory and instruction . The subjectivism paradigm lay particular stress on experiential curriculum and reflective teaching.The two kinds of teacher education paradigm hold different viewpoint concerning to teacher education , but the difference between them don't means"either-or"but desire"both-and". Any paradigm is apple-pie , and they must function together.
Keywords/Search Tags:teacher education paradigm, theoretical foundation, structural characteristics
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