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Research On University's Scientific And Technological Innovation Capability In Heilongjiang

Posted on:2009-08-28Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1117360272479938Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The 21st century is coming into an age with knowledge economy and high-tech developing at very fast speed.Challenge and opportunity are being together,competition is concomitant with collaborate,the transform cycle of science and technology production is shorten conspicuously.Innovation is the primary power of the society development and the scientific innovation is the primary artifice to improve the survival condition of the human being and to promote the society advancement which make the core of competition of the comprehensive national strength today be formed with technology advancement, knowledge and technology innovation,and high-new technology industrialization and connect with the comprehensive implement of the science educational to build country and the great ruction of China.Universities unify functions such as knowledge production and dissemination, R&D of new and high-end technology,production and transition of scientific research,service and consultation for derivation enterprise.They are significant parts of our country's innovation system,whose success is directly affected by the university scientific innovation system.Studying the development factors of the scientific innovate ability in college has fatal realism sense on the college development itself and region economic development.The Heilongjiang universities' overall development is medium level.Raising the fame of schools and education quality,and strengthening scientific innovation are also requires for Heilongjiang universities' own development.This paper mainly studies the evaluation and countermeasures on Heilongjiang universities' scientific innovation ability.With this purpose,the main contents are as follows:Firstly,it gives a summary of the research purpose,significance,and present situation,and it also demonstrates the possibility and necessity of starting evaluation on university scientific innovation;it studies relative theories on the subject,the above then supply theoretical foundation to this paper's construction and content.Secondly,according the actual situation of Heilongjiang,the paper defines the connotation of Heilongjiang scientific innovation formed by innovation ability on education concepts,system,discipline organizational innovation capability, technology and knowledge,Thirdly,according to the SWOT and SPACE analysis upon environment of Heilongjiang university scientific innovation,this paper establishes the overall goals,principle of SMART and ideas in designing,with those factors,index system of evaluation on university scientific innovation capability is formed,and the direction of data is also established.Fourthly,the paper introduces the factor analyze model,then analyses its features when used in university scientific innovation;it also implements empirical study on scientific innovation capability of Heilongjiang universities, drawing the conclusion that Heilongjiang's scientific innovation capability ranks No.11;it also analyzes the empirical study from 4 aspects.Finally,according to the evaluation consequences and universities' actuality that the innovation ability of science and technology in Heilongjiang province, this paper puts forward human resources strategy in 3 aspects which are optimizing environment by person in science and technology with ability, cultivating innovation in science and technology,fetching in person with ability in science and technology from abroad.Also,it conform the universities' innovation resources in science and technology,enhances the innovation resources strategy in constructing universities' subjects,and increases the strategy countermeasures of innovation system conformity and defining the innovation efficiency of imbursement main body.
Keywords/Search Tags:Heilongjiang province, university, scientific and technological innovation capability, regionnal innovation system, factor analysis
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