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The Research On Enterprise Knowledge Management And Top Managers Intuitive Decision-making

Posted on:2012-07-04Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J BaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1119330371460489Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the knowledge economy, the keen insight into the market changes and rapid response of the top managers are particularly important. The intuition features of creativity, dynamic flexibility and the overall grasp of the problem make it gain increasing acceptance, even become a key factor as companies adapting to the changing competitive environment. From the perspective of knowledge, intuitive decision-making is a knowledge acquisition, application and innovation process. Therefore, how better understanding the relation between decision and knowledge to improve knowledge of the intuitive decision-making, creating a scientific decision, which are all enterprises and their managers concerned about. Knowledge management as new ideas and concepts management discipline that adapting to the knowledge economy development, are becoming an important means and tools to enhance enterprises and individuals response and innovation capabilities and to win the competitive advantage.While the academia and managers have recognized the importance of intuition in decision-making, there is little scientific research on how to improve the knowledge of the intuitive decision-making and enhance decision-making, not to mention the study of combination systematically of the enterprise knowledge management and intuitive decision-making. So, based on previous research, selects the top management as study object and uses normative analysis and empirical research methods, the paper systematically explores the interaction relationship and influence mechanism between enterprise knowledge management and top managers'intuitive decision-making, so as to provide a new theoretical perspective and a more complete analytical framework of enterprise knowledge management and top managers'intuitive decision-making.The work of this thesis mainly includes four aspects as follows:â‘ It identifies top managers intuitive decision-making factors structure through literature research, surveys and interviews three methods.â‘¡it develops the intuitive decision-making scale based on the research of intuiti,, ve decision factors structure.â‘¢it analysis normatively the interaction relationship and influence mechanism between enterprise knowledge management and top managers'intuitive decision-making and builds the enterprise knowledge management master plan faced to managers intuitive decision-making.â‘£it proposes a conceptual model to analyze the knowledge management influence on top managers intuitive decision-making based on theoretical analysis and literature review. Selects the financial services industry in Jiangsu province as survey objects, the paper examines the structure model and hypotheses through actor analysis, structural equation modeling and other statistical measurement methods by using the statistical software SPSS 16.0 and structural equation modeling software LISREL 8.7. At last, the findings are discussed.Through the above research work, the main conclusions are as follows:â‘ Intuitive decision-making is a multidimensional concept driven by "knowledge", "experience", "cognition and insight", "Decision-making effectiveness", "feelings and emotions" and "intuitive decision-making process". The top managers trend to rely on intuition to make decisions relative to the primary and middle managers during management and his knowledge, experience, cognitive model, decision making effectiveness and emotional impact on their intuitive decision-making.â‘¡Intuitive decision-making measurement scale includes 6 dimensions and 30 items and it has good reliability and validity.â‘¢there is a positive correlation between enterprise knowledge management elements and top managers intuitive decision-making; Enterprise knowledge management capability plays some of the intermediary role between the above two; Firm Scale plays a negative impact on top managers'intuitive decision-making performance; Environmental uncertainty plays an active positive role on top managers'intuitive decision-making performance.â‘£Top managers intuitive decision-making play an active role on firm performance.The innovation of this paper's work and its conclusion conclusions includes three aspects:â‘ It developed intuitive decision-making measurement scale. This scale is completely localized research and its development adds a choice of measurement tools for the research of intuitive decision-making in the workplace and to some extent makes up for the lack of adequate measurement tools in management under Chinese cultural context.â‘¡It Identifies top managers'intuitive decision-making factors structure from the empirical point. This study expands the domestic previous theoretical studies and deepens the intuitive decision-making theory and lays the foundation for intuitive decision-making for the further empirical research.â‘¢It systematically analysis the enterprise knowledge management influence on the top managers'intuitive decision-making. This broadens research perspective of the knowledge management and top managers'intuitive decision-making and makes up the pity of the absence of empirical studies in this field.The study on enterprise knowledge management and top manager's intuitive decision-making involves many disciplines; the research on the subject is both necessary and complicated. Selected Chinese enterprises as Research objective, This paper firstly made more systematic study combination of the two to explore the interactive relationship and impact between the two through theoretical and empirical research. It is not only the actively trying in this cutting-edge and emerging the field, but also providing a theoretical basis to solve practical problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:top managers, intuitive decision-making, decision-making behavior, knowledge management
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