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A Study On Employee-oriented Performance Management-the Perspective Of Reference Value For State-owned Commercial Banks

Posted on:2009-09-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Z ZuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1119360245964509Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
During these years,performance-related activities have been kinds of fashion in the management practice. Various kinds of organizations including state-owned commercial banks in China are carrying out performance-related activities about employee management with pretty high passion now. The goal of this article is to establish a theory framework for the employee-oriented performance management (PM) so that we can enhance the foundation of the employee PM theory for state-owned commercial banks, and can provide a useful route choice for their future development.The core arguments of this dissertation are as followed. Employee performance is defined as job-related behaviors or the results of those behaviors. Substantially, PM should be a kind of employee-oriented management activity. The fundamental theoretical framework of employee-oriented PM consists of four mechanisms that run through the whole process of PM practice. They are the closer ties between the individual development and the PM, active participant in the whole process of PM from the employees, effective monitoring and control of work behavior and results, full play of the stake-holders in PM. These mechanisms can provide a key route choice for state-owned commercial banks to implement the employee-oriented PM in China.The dissertation is divided into three chapters except the preface and the conclusion.The Preface: The original impulsion to discuss this subject is aroused by the profound understanding of the employee PM in state-owned commercial banks in China. Because of intensive competition and some historical factors, state-owned commercial banks are facing many difficulties and challenges in employee PM. Compared with the mature and developed studies on PM in western countries, the domestic studies on this subject are still focusing on some reviewing activities. Therefore, it will make sense, that not only to generate or refine the advanced theories and successful practice from the west, but also to apply them to our state-owned commercial banks.Chapter 1: we can establish a strong correlation between performance and employee individuals through the analysis of the content and its determinants of performance, so that a theoretical foundation to bring forward the theory of employee-oriented PM can be built. And then, we can constitute a systematical model for employee-oriented PM. The individual actions are the importance reasons of the work consequences and production, while the work results or the production are some of the effective ways to evaluate the employees'actions. From the perspective of PM, employee performance should be defined as: job-related behaviors or the results of those behaviors. We should focus on the employee individual because of the content and determinants of performance. The PM we talk about is a kind of employee-oriented PM in essence, and is a continuing process which establishes a tight connection between the individual performance and the target of the organization, and also is a continuing process in which people take all kinds of effective measures to promote the performance. In this process, active participant from employees, the full development of individuals, effective monitoring and control of work behavior and results, full play of the stake-holders, these mechanisms working in the whole process can constitute a employee-oriented PM system.Chapter 2: The writer emphasizes the necessity to enforce the employee-oriented PM in state-owned commercial banks trough the analysis on the realities, problems and challenges of employee PM in the state-owned commercial banks. Some sub-branches of state-owned commercial banks tried to carry out PM, at the same time, many branches are carrying out performance review and deciding salaries by the results of the review. As a whole, PM in these banks is still on the primary stage: employees are not the core, PM fails to adapt with other functional blocks of HRM system; and normally PM is replaced by performance evaluation. With the development of management practice and the reform of the state-owned commercial banks, the organizing frameworks and working features changing, employee management becoming more and more complicated, deeply affected by the new technology, employee PM has to face these challenges that never met before. We can learn many from western theories and practice.Chapter 3: The author elaborates the theory and practice of employee-oriented PM and its reference value for state-owned commercial banks by emphasizing on active participant from employees, the full development of individuals, effective monitoring and control of work behavior and results, full play of the stake-holders, so as to clarify the probability of state-owned commercial banks to carry out employee-oriented PM.3.1 The employee development mainly means the improvement of employees'performance and the promotion of employees'competences. To develop and implement an employee development plan is an important way. The integral goals of the employee development plan are to encourage continuing study, promote performance and develop individuals. The employee development should run through the whole performance periodic. Thinking of the weak foundation of employee PM in state-owned commercial banks, they can take the way to design and enforce the employee development plan tightly followed the employee performance evaluation. 360-degree feedback can promote employees'performance; improve the employees'development by collecting information from different aspects. With the progress of technology, the E-360 degree feedback greatly improves the development of employee-oriented PM in practice.360-degree feedback should be localized in state-owned commercial banks. Coaching and mentoring are some activities of guidance, stimulation and reward for employees, which are always looked as useful tools to promote employee performance. To carry out coaching and mentoring, the state-owned commercial banks are facing a challenge of knowledge-sharing. As a fundamental job, the state-owned commercial banks should try to establish a formal coaching system, which can give a strong support to archive the goal of the banks. 3.2 Employee participation guarantees the employee-oriented PM system to work well. The aim of encouraging the employees to participate into the PM system is to help them to accept the system, so that they can understand the organization goals well. Employees may join in the whole running process of PM system through ascertaining the performance goals, self-evaluation, selecting evaluators, and so forth. The establishment of performance evaluation rescue system which can make the PM system acceptable for employees is a kind of institutional and preventive participant arrangement. Because contextual performance itself is a voluntarily participant action, the management of contextual performance should be enhanced. The state-owned commercial banks should encourage employees to participate. Doing so, not only institutions which are supported by the higher management levers are needed, but also an enterprise culture atmosphere in which employees would like to participate should be built. Of cause, the necessary training for employees and managers can not be forgotten too.3.3 Performance monitoring is very important to promote the employee performance level and to enhance the whole organization's performance in further. Plan and control are the two sides of one thing. The more definite and complete the performance plan is, the better results of employee performance monitoring you have. Performance plan should focus on working results of employees', performance actions and individual development plan. Feedback is the key way for managers to correct bad performance and encourage good performance by collecting employees'former action information. In this sense, the negative feedback is equally important."Computer Performance Monitoring"is a helpful vehicle for employee performance supervising. It can obviously increase the objectivity of performance evaluation. Using it, managers can give performance response based on more objective employee performance information. In the monitoring of bad performance, we must find reasons from the abilities and motives of employees', and we should pay attention to adjust the working conditions for employees. State-owned commercial banks should give necessary supports for monitoring actions of managers on all levels. The biggest challenge for the performance monitoring of team members is the co-operational game-actions between the team members, the team and its members. So, the managers in state-owned commercial banks should establish a strict restrictive system, take effective encouragement system, and make sure that the PM system is definitely. If the banks want to promote the general performance level, they have to take some measures to increase the satisfaction level of employee, and encourage employees to present, strengthen the organizational commitment actions.3.4 The active and effective participation from stake-holders of employee PM system could give important and positive effects to the full development of employees, as well as the employee participation, employee performance supervision. Line managers are not only the supervisors but also the coaches and mentors of employees. Besides the application of the PM results, HR men take the role of makers, consulters, supporters, organizers and supervisors of PM activities. Because of the complexity of the modern job positions, multi-evaluations appeared or so called 360°feed-back. Besides the problems caused by the evaluation system and the concrete evaluation tools themselves, the deviation of performance evaluation are attributed mainly to the perception bias and political actions of evaluators. In state-owned commercial banks, some effective measures are badly needed to be taken to avoid evaluation deviation. They should change the idea of evaluators, enhance the training for evaluators, and pay attention to reduce the negative effects of political actions.Ending paragraph: The presence of employee PM is based on the conclusions made by basic HRM theories, on the generalization of the advanced theories and successful practice in the western countries, and on the practical choices for the realities and challenges faced by the state-owned commercial banks. To make it an available way for the banks, we should study on more useful concrete methods and tools which can fit the situations of employee management in state-owned commercial banks, and follow the newest theoretical and practical achievements, so that we could give strong support to the employee performance management practice in state-owned commercial banks.
Keywords/Search Tags:Employee-oriented
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