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Research In Dynamic Resource Integration Model And Flexible Strategy Management

Posted on:2008-05-23Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H X YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1119360272485572Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The characteristics of external environment are important variable affecting the organization strategic decisions. In the past relatively static environment, the traditional"Industrial Organization (I/O)"strategy and"Resource-base View (RBV)"strategy are helpful to the competitive advantage of organizations. But today's environment is far beyond the stable state. Dynamic environment characterized by uncertainty, complexity and dynamics changes the organization's survival and competition rules. In a dynamic environment, the competitive advantage of organizations is quickly from a temporary state to another temporary advantage. Such, sticking to the past advantages and trying to delay the changes, the organization should lead to a failure. Therefore, organizations need to adopt a new set of strategic theory as a guide to ensure that the environment and the organization have an effective fit, to achieve smooth strategic turnaround in a variety of development paths. Given this purpose, this dissertation proposes"Dynamic Resource-based View"strategy (DRBV), constructs a"Dynamic Resource Integration model", and establishes DRBV-based flexible strategy to guide organizations achieve or maintain sustainable competitive advantage in the dynamic environment.DRBV strategy develops a strategic framework from both inside and outside of organizations, that the conditions within the organization and outside environment realize effective connectivity. In order to ensure the reliability of theoretical basis, the dissertation first analyzes the strategic environment connotation, the definition, categories and their relationship of resources and capabilities within the organization, as well as their respective impact on the strategic analysis. And a framework structure is proposed in which capability will be raised as an"intermediary"linking resources and strategy, which responses to the environment. On the basis of this framework structure, the dissertation presents a"DRVB-based Dynamic Integration model", and gives the operating mechanism and implementation steps of the model. At the same time, the concept of"Organization Field"is put forward to illustrate the operation process of"Dynamic Resource Integration Model", and to explain the strategy moderate principles, and to propose that the best way for an organization to upgrade potential is to along the"gradient"direction.To reveal the operation mechanism of"power engine"in dynamic integration model, the paper focuses on resource management strategies under dynamic environment. A mathematical model is used to judge the selection among the different resource access models. And two ways, before-judgment and post-judgment, are used to analyze the integration value of resources. Besides, the thesis proposes a resource allocation model to ensure the best utilization of resources. At the same time, the attributes and building-mechanism of Dynamic Capabilities are stressed.In order to more accurately reflect the ability of"DRVB"response to the requirements of dynamic environment, DRVB-based flexible strategy and its design steps are proposed. And also flexibility level is judged which, to a certain extent, solves the contradiction of"stability and changes". To ensure the normal operation of flexible strategy, the scenario analysis is proposed to be used in an early warning system to enable organizations to avoid risks, so that the smooth progress of strategy turnaround.Strategy-turnaround is an important module in"dynamic resource integration model", and is the core content of flexible strategies. This dissertation carries out a detailed exposition on strategy-turnaround. The motives for strategy-turnaround, and the timing, methods are analyzed respectively, based on which a ternary conversion collaborative model is innovated and the connection of the innovation, dynamic capabilities and flexible strategy is defined as triangular framework for the settlement of"rigidity". Some suggestions are proposed for the related organizations in the transitional period of China.In order to enhance the strategic explanation of the model proposed by the dissertation and to stress the practicality of the strategy, in the last chapter of the dissertation, the Tianjin international port city development strategy as a case is adopted as the application of the model proposed by the dissertation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Dynamic Resource-based Review, Organization Field, Resource Management, Dynamic Capability, Flexible Strategy, Strategy Turnaround
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