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The Comparative Study On Three Phonetic Notations Of Shiji And Phonetic Notations Of Zizhi Tongjian

Posted on:2015-03-22Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q H LiaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1225330470981469Subject:Chinese Philology
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Phonetic notations were important materials to the study of history of Chinese pronunciation, which mainly came from notations to classics and histoyies. These materials often have a large amount, however, as the nature of noting one by one, most of them were not systematic materials. Some large materials also can make up a pronunciation system, but as the nature of inherities of histotical phonology, through the way of Xi Lian (系联) or comparing the Fan Qie (反切) materials, we cannot catch all information which display the development of pronunciation. These views pay attention to divisions of category of syllables, but they did not place importance on the relationship between words of Fan Qie, such as how initials match with finials, the belong of medial and the phonetic meanings which these aspects implied. The way of analyzing the structure of Fan Qie can solve these problems effectively, and it analyzes characteristics of first word of Fan Qie and second word of Fan Qie and the cooperation between them, which not only caught the phonetic information ignored easily in traditional studies, but also pried into the facts and rules of sound transition.This essay we primarily analyzed and compared the phonetic notations between Shiji and Zizhi Tongjian through the way of analyzing the structure of Fan Qie, and we mainly pay attention to some aspects as follows:the similarities and dissimilarities in structure of Fan Qie of phonetic notations of Shiji; the similarities and dissimilarities in structure of Fan Qie between phonetic notations of Shiji and Zizhi Tongjian; the relationship between phonetic notations noted by themselves and phonetic notations came from predecessors; the problem of doublet (重纽.) between phonetic notations of Shiji and Zizhi Tongjian.Through the research, we got some primany conclutions as follows:Firstly, on the inner comparison of the structure of Fan Qie in phonetic notations of Shiji:the first word of Fan Qie displayed the open and close, the broad and fine, and the division of the spelled word, and the ability of displaying the open and close has grown stronger gradually; the first word of Fan Qie and the spelled word can have the same type of rhyme, but they usually follow the rule of " the same rhyme but the different tone", and the first word of Fan Qie and the spelled word can have the same type of tone, but they usually follow the rule of " the same tone but the different rhyme", however, in individual cases there were a kind of Fan Qie which the first word of Fan Qie and the spelled word have the same type of rhyme and tone; types of initials in the second word of Fan Qie mainly were centralized in Jian group (见组)、 Xiao group (晓组) and the initial of Lai (来母) besides themselves, but they seldom were Zhuang group (庄组); types of initials in the second word of Fan Qie can divide into two groups, and according to the type of initials in the second word of Fan Qie, we can generally infer the classification of the spelled word; the initial of the second word of Fan Qie could conform to the initial of the spelled word, but generally they should avoid having identical initial.Secondly, on the comparison of the structure of Fan Qie in phonetic notations between Shiji and Zizhi Tongjian:over 50 percents of the first word of Fan Qie can display the open and close, the broad and fine、and the division of the spelled word; the first and second word of Fan Qie both display the open and close of the spelled word, and this ability has grown stronger gradually, which shows the harmony in the open and close between the first and second word of Fan Qie; the ability of which the first word of Fan Qie displays the broad and fine and the division of the spelled word has grown weaker gradually, but the ability of which the second word displays the broad and fine and the division of the spelled word has kept in a stable level; there both appeared the kind of Fan Qie which have the same type of rhyme and tone, even the kind of Fan Qie which have the same word in the first word of Fan Qie and the spelled word; in the phonetic notations of Zizhi Tongjian, the initial distribution of the second word of Fan Qie in phonetic notation of Zizhi Tongjian was identical with the three phonetic notations of Shiji.Thirdly, on the relationship between phonetic notations noted by themselves and phonetic notations came from predecessors:the three annotators mainly agree with the views of predecessors, as they usually did not make a new phonetic notation to the same spelled word; Hu Sanxing mainly agreed with the phonetic notations of predecessors, but he did not copy them totally, he usually change the words of Fanqie and mostly they were of the same position in rhyme; Hu generally agree with the phonetic notations of Suoyin(索隐) noted by Sima Zhen and the phonetic notations of Zhengyi (正义) noted by Zhang Shoujie.Lastly, there were the same behavior on the problem of doublet in the above two materials:after the time of Qieyun (切韵), the phenomenon of double twas still exists in the two materials, and some of them still in opposing positions; the type of initials in second word of Fan Qie could distinguish the phenomenon of doublet, and its ability was stronger than type A and B in first word of Fan Qie; we agree with the opinion of Huang Xiaoshan on the problem of belong of tongue and dental of doublet.
Keywords/Search Tags:the three phonetic notations of Shiji, phonetic notations of Zizhi Tongjian, the structure of Fan Qie, comparative study, doublet
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