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Research On Executive Ability Of Education Policies Of County-Level Government

Posted on:2017-05-06Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q JinFull Text:PDF
GTID:1226330509454467Subject:Leadership education
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With maturity and development of policy science, research on education policies has become a hot topic, a key research area of educational theory and practice, guiding and standardizing education development through education policies has become an important means of modern education management. Since the reform of educational system starting in middle 1980 s, educational development mode in the planned economic system has been gradually abandoned, the highly centralized system has gradually weakened, educational administration authority concentrated in central government has gradually transferred down to local government, educational policy behaviors of local government have played an increasingly important role in education development. Especially since elementary educational administration system of county-oriented was established, county-level government has undertaken main responsibilities in elementary education development, educational policy behavior process of county-level government has further mattered directly relating to elementary education development within counties, during which policy implementation is the core.At present, for China’s government at the county level, even it manages the political, economic, social and cultural affairs within a local domain, and even if it sets some educational policies. In a certain sense, this is also the policy implementation of the central government. This makes the county government is more a kind of "executive government", or has a strong "implementation of the government" of the value orientation. In the county government to implement the education policy, although in the central local decentralization system, given the county government fully the compulsory education management authority, with a certain degree of flexibility, but flexible degree of difficult to grasp, so that in many cases, carried out by the county government is not the central policy of "Manuscript", but "translation of the draft", often appear "policies, under the measures" phenomenon, often appear distortion and failure of the implementation of education policy. This, in addition to local regional differences, another important reason lies in the execution of different county government policy has great difference. Visible, the county people’s government education policy execution of compulsory education in the field of critical issues, only better understanding of county government education policy execution in order to better understand the real source of problems during the implementation of the policy of compulsory education.The concept of “ability executive” was first found in administrative law, which refers to the enforcement of the specific administrative act or the legal effect. Later, the "execution" also becomes an important concept of the study of business enterprise management, referring to the ability of reaching the target through the efficient use of resources. Specific to the policy executive ability, in 1973 when Pressman and Wildavsky(T. L. Pressman and A. Wildavsky) report of the study on the execution--federal programs in Auckland lost "as the beginning, western countries opened the motion of a massive policy implementation, many scholars also put forward various policy implementation theory, thus forming a is not equal to enterprise execution of public policy execution concept.In this background, this paper is themed by executive ability of education policies of county-government in order to theoretically expand research scope of education policy theories, especially enrich areas of education execution theories, promote improvement of executive force of education policies of county-level government in practice and implementation effect of national education policies on the basic level.This paper adopts documentary methods and text analysis methods to analyze advantages and disadvantages of existing research results in this field, initially build research framework of ‘basic theory, reality analysis, cause exploration, countermeasure thinking’ of executive ability of education policies of county-level government. On this logic basis, further analysis of core concept, particularity, theoretical and realistic significance, source property, generation process and specific structure of executive ability of education policies of county-level government should be carried out, evaluation indicator system of executive ability of education policies of county-level government should be built in the perspective of execution firmness, execution dimension, execution level, execution speed and execution validity, leading to the basic theoretical understanding. Based on inevitability analysis, according to the evaluation indicator system of executive ability of education policies of county-level government, questionnaires of status quo and outline of interviews of executive ability of education policies of county-level government should be designed, through survey of executive ability of education policies of the sample counties, the main problems of executive ability of education policies of county-level government should be analyzed, and then factors influencing executive ability are to be explained. Based on actuality analysis, theoretical and realistic basis of improving executive ability of education policies of county-level government are proposed, and then specific paths to improve executive ability of policies are explained.Broadly speaking, executive ability of policies means the subject of policies reveals consensus and will, directionality, executive ability, width, order of priority and so on during policy implementation so as to realize the fixed policy goal. In narrow sense, executive ability of policies means the subject of policies reveals executive ability of policies during policy implementation. In this research, generalized concept is applied, executive ability of policies can’t be simply analyzed through orientation of policy outcome, but analyzed with focus on the executive process of policies, highlighting resource integration, organization construction and improving abilities of executive staff of county-level government during implementation of education policies to implement ability analysis of policy goals, during the process the consensus and will, directionality, executive ability, width, order of priority revealed by county-level government is just the specific reflection of executive ability of education policies of county-level government. That’s to say, the executive ability of education policies of county-level government is a kind of resultant force instead of a simple reflection of executive ability of policies.It exists particularity in executive ability of education policies of county-level government. Compared with executive ability of education policies of other-level government, its particularity is embodied in the following four aspects. In the perspective of autonomy of policy execution, county-level government focuses on execution. In the perspective of resources of policy execution, county-level government has a comparatively low capacity for learning and application. In the perspective of innovation of policy execution, county-level government is the most active. In the perspective of value orientation of policy execution, county-level government lays stress on administrative standards. Compared with executive ability of other public policies of county-level government, its particularity is embodied in the goal of cultivation and education policies themselves. In addition, in terms of theoretical and practical significance of executive ability of education policies of county-level government, it guarantees realization of goals of education policies, deepens the reform of educational management system and optimizes educational functions of county-level government.The government public power is not innate. It has its origin. The Unitary form of state structure decides that the power of local governments more derives from the authorization of the central government. Therefore, public administration power of county-level government also mainly originates from authorization of central government and higher-level government. Aiming at exerting its education powers and educational functions, an approach taken by county-level government enjoying education powers is to implementing education policies formulated by higher-level government, during implementation of education policies, county-level government should concentrate its attention, grasp policy orientation, set policy goals, make executive plans, integrate organization mechanism, obtain policy resources, use policy tools, make executive arrangements and improve executive abilities of education policies. Therefore, for abstraction of executive ability of education policies of county-level government, its source property is power allocation, its generation process is executive process of education policies. In terms of its structure, concerning county-level government itself and executive process of education policies, its structure includes six factors, the core is executive will, the soul is execution directionality, the key is execution ability, the extension is execution level, the supplement is execution speed and the outcome is execution validity.According to the education responsibility of the county government and the characteristics of the Education policy implementation model, this thesis chooses the nearby enrollment policy, the balanced allocation of compulsory education resources policy, and the exchange and rotation of teacher policy as representatives of the county government implementation of education policy. In order to analyze the present situation of county government’s education execution of policy by investigating its execution of these three types of education policy.Through the 18 months of the implementation process of the county education policy implementation process, and related statistical data analysis found, it finds that the main problems of Chinese county government’s education policy implementation lie in six aspects: the implementation rigidity is loose, which restricts the revolution of education policy implementation; the implementation aim is not very clear, which restricts the direction of education policy implementation; the implementation ability is weak, which restricts the degree of education policy implementation; the implementation altitude is not high, which restricts the standard of education policy implementation; the implementation speed is slow, which restricts the efficiency of education policy implementation; the implementation validity is low, which restricts the effect of education policy implementation. The reasons of these problems are: the lagging of organizational culture concept causes the loosing of education policy implementation rigidity; the behavior deviation of government policy causes the deviation of implementation direction; the shortage of the government ability causes the weakness of implementation ability of the education policy; the imperfection of supervision system restricts the implementation altitude; the complexity of the mechanism of power operations slow down the implementation; the conflicts of policy interests restricts the efficiency of education policy implementation.Based on the analysis of expectation and fact, this paper argues that theory basis to enhance our county government’s education policy implementation ability includes game theory, the theory of human nature, theory of policy implementation and self-organization theory; Reality basis is manifested by the developing trend of the external environment and external environment of the education policy implementation. The specific method to improve the implementation ability lies in the of the scientific decision-making mechanism on the education policy formulation, the construction of cooperation mechanism of education policy implementation subjects, the construction of multi-element assessment mechanism of the education policy evaluation, and the establishment of optimizing method of education policy environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:county-level government, educational policy, policy implementation, policy implementation capacity
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