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Research Of Composite Feedback’s Influence On The Learning Of Motor Skill

Posted on:2014-01-30Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1227330398981894Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Feedback plays an important role in motor skill learning, so it is one of the most popular research fields in motor skill and learning. As it is hard to find the participant to do research in real, so the aboraoad research focused on lab and lack of research on our country’s popular event, like table-tennis, badminton. Our country’s research mainly focused on traditionla field, like the feedbak frequency, feedbacl time, and has less research on feedback’s cutting-edge field-self-regulated feedback, observational learning and attention focus. The first part of the article reviews the generation, evolution and development of feedback theory, and then highlights the latest developments of the feedback research area-attention focus, observation learning and self-controlled feedback. Then the article uses mate-analysis method which is seldom used in sport training field to analyze95observation learning articles and29self-control feedback articles and choose134and26index separately, and finally evaluate their overall influence on skill learning. Then the article based on the conclusion derived from the meta-analysis, and combined it with disciplines of physics, education, systems theory’s theory, and proposed the composite feedback and states the composite feedback’s concept and its impact mechanism on motor skill learning. On the last part, the articles applied the composite feedback theory into the physical education of table tennis and check its influence on skill learning in Physical Education. Through the research, we can draw the following conclusions:(1) The meta-analysis of observational learning showed that:1) Observational learning can improve the skill learning significantly, and it is better in promoting the learning of the action technical, movement cognitive characteristics and skills involved big muscles than movement outcome and skills invoved small muscles;2) Observed a high level/standard model is more beneficial in skill learning than the beginner demonstration;3) Live demonstrations, video and Point-light model shows no significant impact on observational learning. (2) The meta-analysis of self-controlled feedback showed that:1) Self-control feedback can significantly promote skill learning and Self-controlled use of the device, watch video and lab skill’s promotion is better than facilitating skill learning than self-control verbal feedback and out of lab skill;2) The frequency of self-control feedback depends on the difficulty of the tasks, the more complex the task, the higher feedback frequency it needs.(3) The overall effect size of composite feedback on skill learning is1.05, which indicating that the composite feedback is better in promoting skill learning than the simple feedback. In addition, the composite feedback is facilitating the table tennis ball precision and technical evaluation than the rallies, and not good for improving rallies.(4) The overall effect size of composite feedback on students’ satisfaction is0.58, which means that the composite feedback can partly improve the students overall satisfaction. And composite feedback is better in promoting students’self-efficacy and effort than the satisfaction of improvement of technology and happiness when taking the table-tennis class.(5) The composite feedback theory and it’s four stage:the guide of observation phase, Imitation and practice stage, self-monitoring and direct stage and self-regulation phase play some role on development of the feedback theory and on guiding physical education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Meta-analysis, Composite feedback, Observational learning, Self-controlled feedback, Feedback
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