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Research On China's National Image In The New Era

Posted on:2020-07-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1366330578454066Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This thesis mainly studies the problem of China's national image from the 1990s to the present.The construction and presentation of the national image of any country are influenced and restricted by the background of the international situation.Firstly,this paper reviews the history of Sino-German relations in the 20th century.It mainly narrates and analyses the main problems in Sino-German relations and the image of the two countries,and finds out the historical roots of the people's opinion toward each other between China and Germany in new period of time.On this basis,the author uses Chinese newspapers and German newspapers,historical data of Sino-German relations,questionnaires and interviews to analyze the national image of China and Germany in detail.In particular,the image of Germany in the eyes of Chinese and that of China in the eyes of German are compared and analyzed,which opens up a new perspective for the study of "mutual cognition between the two countries".Firstly,this paper puts forward a new concept of "mutual cognition ".It means that different subjects understand each other through different media and ways,so as to obtain stable cognition based on the information they get.In addition to the development and evolution of the national image of a country itself,the imbalance of the people's opinion toward each other between the countries is an important factor restricting the national image of a country.The people's opinion toward each other between China and Germany reflects the situation of China and western capitalist countries to a great extent,and it is a classic case of people's opinion toward each other between China and Western countries.However,due to the restriction of language and culture,the number and depth of research on Chinese image from the perspective of German are not enough.This paper studies the Chinese image from the perspective of German and Sino German Relations from a new perspective of "people's opinion toward each other between the two countries",and puts forward feasible suggestions for the construction and promotion of Chinese image.Secondly,this paper traces back the history of people's opinion toward each other between China and Germany and the history of international relations in the twentieth century.Through historical research,we can see that the imbalance of people's opinion toward each other between China and Germany is mainly reflected in the key tone throughout the whole historical process,which are the strong anti-China and anti-Communist forces in the West.Encircle and blockade China's voice in the world,the international discourse rights have always been in the hands of Western countries,the international public opinion has always been in the situation of strong in the West and weak in china,the development of new China has long been distorted and misunderstood by the outside world.At the end of the 1980s,coups took place in many countries in Eastern Europe.At the turn of spring and summer in 1989,political disturbances also took place in China.In an instant,the world pattern changed historically.The events of the drastic changes in Eastern Europe and the dissolution of the Soviet Union caused the "idealized"people's opinion toward each other to be impacted and ceased to exist in the 1980s.In the 1990s,the reports on China by the western media,mainly the American media,were mainly negative.The western mainstream media constructed a negative image of China that threatened the security of the West.China has become a "police state" that tramples on human rights from the perspective of Western media,and an extreme nationalist country that will provoke nuclear war in the future.Moreover,the Western media have created a series of negative public opinions on family planning,dissidence,national self-determination and other issue,it strengthened their differences with the mainstream ideology of China,and promoted the "China Threat Theory".Generally speaking,the imbalance of people's opinion toward each other between China and the West is characterized by the fact that the image of China has been demonized more or less in the western mainstream media.The West looks at China from a very defensive and unfair perspective.Thirdly,on the basis of concept definition and historical review,the second and third chapters of this paper study the image of Germany from the perspective of China and that of China from the perspective of Germany in detail,with particular emphasis on the cognition of people's opinion toward each other from the perspective of mainstream media.Mainstream media,including newspapers,periodicals,television,broadcast and so on,is an important way for the international publicity of a country.This paper mainly uses the Global Times and Reference News as the materials for studying the image of Germany from the perspective of China,and uses the Siiddeutsche Zeitung and Focus as the materials for studying the image of China from the perspective of Germany,and combines the author's personal experience in Germany to make a basic research on the people's opinion toward each other between the two countries.It depicts the scene of cognition of people's opinion toward each other between the two countries in different topics,which paves the way and lays a good foundation for the next comparative study of people's opinion toward each other between the two countries.Finally,the fourth chapter of this paper compares the people's opinion toward each other between China and Germany,analyses and criticizes the imbalance of people's opinion toward each other,and puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to change the current situation of imbalance.For a long time,a common problem in the western mainstream media is to use their ideological framework to measure China's problems and draw reasonable conclusions in their minds.Although China's national image has changed and developed in good direction gradually,it has not changed significantly in the past 30 years and it is in a negative and unbalanced state on the whole.This imbalance leads to the worshipping everything foreign,loss of the international discourse rights,and the slow promotion of its international status and influence in China.China's national image is based on China's actual condition,while the western mainstream media generally lack a real understanding of China's actual condition.Since the 21st century,the international environment and China itself are in an important period of change,and this period will last for a long time.This is the fundamental reason for the constant change of China's national image,and it is also the perfect opportunity to shape and improve China's national image.In 2008,the Olympic Games were successfully held in Beijing.In 2010,the World Expo was successfully held in Shanghai,and such prominent diplomatic events have greatly promoted the renewal of China's image in the world.China is a socialist country led by the Communist Party of China.The basic property and principled stand of the Marxist Party of the Communist Party of China have not been changed.At the same time,China's image becomes increasingly apparent to the international community through the deepening of reforming and opening since 2008.China should seize this important strategic opportunities and strive to regain the international discourse rights to shape China's image.In recent years,China has paid more and more attention to the shaping of the national image.In an open,confident and modern manner,China has constructed many positive national images,and has transformed and counterattacked the old,single and mysterious hostile images.A Chinese image with a sense of the times and a new atmosphere is rising like a rising sun.
Keywords/Search Tags:National Image, Si no-German Relations, Mutual Cognition, the New Period
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