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Research On The Development And Basic Experience Of China's Peaceful Foreign Policy

Posted on:2020-03-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:S TangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1366330620452324Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the founding of the People's Republic of China,it has gone through 70 years.Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,China has experienced many tests in the domestic and international situation.It has become a regional and worldwide power and has steadily become one of strongest.In this new era,the theory and practice of Chinese diplomacy have experienced the inheritance,summarization,development,exploration and innovation at different stages,and have formed a mature diplomatic system with great characteristics of China.China's peaceful foreign policy has also developed and improved as its essence.In line with the overall goals and tasks of China's diplomacy,it will move to a new stage with China's diplomacy.Since its inception,New China has pursued an independent foreign policy of peace."Independence" and "peace" have been identified as the basic principles of China's foreign policy.The Chinese Communist Party has always inherited and developed the diplomatic wisdom that,since 1953 Enlai Zhou first proposed the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence,it's consistently contributing to the national interests and the safety of environment.After the reform and opening up,with the Chinese Communist Party's judgment on the theme of the times and its deepening understanding of the international pattern,the Fourth Session of the Sixth National People's Congress summarized China's foreign policy for the first time as an “independent and peaceful foreign policy”,and discussed about this basic principle from 10 aspects,the party's 13 th National Congress report for the first time to include the “independent and peaceful foreign policy” in the report of the Party Congress.China's peaceful development policy is the correct choice made by the Communist Party of China,it's the foundation and support for a peaceful foreign policy.This is in best of the interests of the Chinese people and the people of the world.Since the 18 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,under the premise that peace and development are still the theme of the times,the Communist Party of China has clearly put forward the foreign concept of "peace,development,cooperation,and win-win",which also reflects the profound changes in China's diplomatic goals.China's diplomacy serves internally to achieve the objective of "two centenary goals" and bring about a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,and strives for good external conditions for the deepening of reform and opening up.On the basis of adhering to the basic principles of diplomacy and pursuing a peaceful foreign policy,China continues to adhere to the path of peaceful development.However,as the strength of China continues to grow and the degree of globalization continues to deepen,China's diplomacy is facing increasing pressure.How to resolve the pressure and seize the opportunity is becoming a problem that China's peace diplomacy needs to solve in the new era.The 19 th National Congress of the Communist Party of China made an important political conclusion: "After long-term efforts,Chinese characteristic socialism has entered a new era,which is a new historical orientation for China's development." This important statement has opened a new journey of Chinese characteristic socialism,and it has also opened a new stage of socialist diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.The connotation and extension of China's diplomatic goals have undergone profound changes.China's peaceful foreign policy has further sublimated its connotation and extension in this context.In the process of China's peaceful foreign policy deepening and developing,it has always unswervingly safeguarded the national interests.From the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic to safeguard the political security and national independence of the new China,to defend China's national security and territorial integrity,and to strive to achieve the country's reunification and promote economic development,China's peaceful foreign policy will as always firmly safeguarding national interests in different aspects.From the initial "one-sided" to "two fists hitting people" to the "one line,a large piece" of foreign policy changes,China's basic principles of safeguarding national interests have always dominated,and the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have gradually become international socially recognized diplomatic norms.At the other hand,the development of China's peaceful foreign policy conforms to the changes in the theme of the times and the development of the international situation.The Chinese Communist Party has always closely linked the interests of the Chinese people and the people of the world,and pushed for a more just and equitable international order.While China's diplomacy builds a safe environment for China's political,economic,and cultural aspects,it also promotes the development of world peace.In this context,it is necessary to study the evolution and basic experience of the Peaceful foreign policy.The main narrative of this paper is divided into three parts,including introduction,body and conclusion.The introduction part mainly discusses the significance of the topic selection,related concepts,domestic and abroad literature review,research ideas and methods,research focus and difficulties,it's the grasps of the overall structure of the paper,which provides a basis for the gradual development of the paper.The body part consists of seven chapters.The first chapter mainly discusses the relevant theories.It analyzes the basic connotation,the basic attribute,the factors influencing the evolution of the new China's foreign policy and the logic as a whole.The second chapter discusses the ideological roots of China's peaceful foreign policy.One of them mainly comes from classics such as Marxism and Leninism,including the concept of harmony,the judgment of the concept of time and the thought of international relations.The second is from the traditional Chinese civilization.The concept of "harmony and thought","harmony and difference",and "righteousness and double line";the third is from the modern China,the late Qing Dynasty,the Republic of China,the concept of peace from the Chinese Communist Party's early three years of foreign exchanges.It's mainly focus on the discussion about the concept of peace from the early communication of Chinese Communist Party.In addition,this chapter briefly analyzes the ideological resources of China's peaceful foreign policy.The third chapter mainly explains the peaceful foreign policy in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China.After analyzing the domestic and international backgrounds in the early days of the founding of New China,it analyzes in detail the establishment of China's diplomatic principles and the five principles of peaceful coexistence which lays the foundation for China's peaceful foreign policy,and evaluates the practice of this stage of policy.The fourth chapter has a relatively long time span.Under the circumstances that the domestic policy has undergone a major turn and the international security environment is constantly changing,the analysis of the official text draws the conclusion that the peaceful foreign policy has tortuous developed at this stage.In the era of China's diplomacy,a great turning point was made.With the "three worlds" theory and the breakthrough of Sino-US relations as the key nodes,China's peaceful foreign policy can continue to develop.The content of Chapter V describes the formal establishment of an independent foreign policy of peace under the new situation of reform and opening up.Its connotation is continuously deepening,and the era of "peace and development" leads China's diplomacy to a stage of all-round development.After this era China's diplomacy continues the basic trend under the reform and opening up.China has chosen the path of peaceful development.This is the historical necessity and China's solemn commitment to the world.China has developed in all of aspects: relations between major powers,neighboring relations,relations with developing countries,and multilateral diplomacy.The sixth chapter is based on Xi Jinping's with Major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era.The construction of a new international relationship and the community of human destiny has brought China's peaceful foreign policy development to a new stage.The seventh chapter evaluates the peaceful foreign policy in general and summarizes the basic experience of the great achievements,the most important of which is that it adheres to the correct leadership of the communist party of China.Also briefly analyzes the challenges and future development of China's peaceful foreign policy.The main part of the article is mainly explained by time clues,but it does not simply only describe historical events.On the basis of analyzing the background of the times and the domestic and abroad environment,it explains the enrichment and development of the content of peaceful foreign policy,and analyzes its practical results.It summarized the basic development of China's peaceful foreign policy,the focus and stage characteristics of different historical periods.The conclusion part summarizes the viewpoints of this thesis,and once again emphasizes the research significance,research dilemma and research prospects of this topic,briefly explains the laws and trends of China's peaceful diplomacy with the hopes that China's diplomatic work will be more progressive and mature.
Keywords/Search Tags:New China Diplomacy, Peaceful Foreign Policy, Development Process, World Peace
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