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Research On The Academic Competitiveness Of Local Universities In The Western China From The Pespective Of New Structural Economics

Posted on:2019-03-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:1367330548455113Subject:Education leadership and management
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With the implementation of the national strategies of " Western Development" and the "Belt and Road Initiative",the important role of the development of the western local universities and the promotion of their academic competitiveness in promoting the development of the local economy and society in the western region has been recognized gradually.The academic competitiveness of local colleges and universities in the western region is a kind of comprehensive advantage ability in the academic competition.It plays an important role in supporting the western region to realize knowledge innovation,scientific and technological innovation,national defense innovation,regional innovation and cultural innovation.However,the current reality is that the speed and academic level of the development of local universities in the western regions can hardly bear the heavy responsibility entrusted by its history.Therefore,exploring the effective way of the rapid development of western local colleges and universities and their academic research has become an important subject of theoretical and practical research.This study attempts to explore and study the theoretical framework and practical path of the development of academic competitiveness of western local universities from the perspective of new structural economics.By using the methods of literature research,this paper first analyzes the concept,connotation and essential factor system of the academic competitiveness of western local colleges and universities,and then on the basis of discriminating and drawing lessons from the core concepts and core viewpoints of new structural economics,From four aspects of starting point,path,key point and external engine,it expounds the theoretical value of new structural economics to the development of academic competitiveness of western local colleges and universities.Then taking advantage of the methods of comparative research and literature research,the author focuses on the structure of the starting point factor endowment of the development of academic competitiveness of local universities in the western area,the path to follow the development strategy of comparative advantage,and the key points to obtain the academic self-generating ability,as well as the external engine,that is,the roles of government and market,this paper constructs the "EASV-MG" analysis framework for the development of academic competitiveness of western local colleges and universities.Using the methods of case study,investigation and literature study,this paper analyzes the development path of comparative advantage of Guangxi H University based on its own factor endowment structures under the framework of "EASV-MG".At the same time,it also clarifies the differences between it and the characteristic development path in theory.Furthermore,this paper discusses the problems of developing academic competitiveness based on comparative advantages and the reasons behind it,and puts forward some policy suggestions for the development of academic competitiveness of western local universities from the angle of government and effective market.Based on the characteristic of the academic production activities,this paper interprets the connotation and essential elements system of academic competitiveness of colleges and universities from three aspects: resources,achievements and processes.From the perspective of resource elements,the academic competitiveness of universities is a comprehensive advantage of the combination of scholars,academic material resources and academic financial resources.From the point of the outcome factors,the academic competitiveness of colleges is manifested in the comprehensive superior ability of discovering,synthesizing,disseminating and applying knowledge.In view of the process elements,the academic competitiveness of universities is the comprehensive advantage ability of technological innovation,academic system as well as academic culture.The ten elements of the above three levels constitute the general element subsystem of the academic competitiveness of local universities in the west..The unique,non-replicable regional,national and natural elements of the local universities in the west constitute the special elements subsystem of the academic competitiveness of the local universities in the west.On the basis of this,this paper holds that the academic competitiveness of western local universities in western region of China is that western scholars in local colleges and universities obtain and use academic facilities,funds,and equipment,as well as the unique academic resources in the western region,under the influence of technological innovation,academic institutions,and academic culture with the discipline as the basic unit,a set of comprehensive advantages of academic discovery competitiveness,academic comprehensive competitiveness,academic communication competitveness,and academic application competition manifested in academic activities for the development of knowledge.This paper attempts to use the new structural economics as a research perspective to analyze the theoretical confusion and practical difficulties of the academic development of local colleges and universities in western China.New structural economics is a theory of development economics based on the experience of economic development and transition of underdeveloped countries.It can also be used as a unique theoretical perspective for the underdeveloped local universities in the west.In the case of "insufficient preconditions" to quickly enhance the academic competitiveness,to provide a new path for choice.The uniqueness of this perspective is that compared with the past perspective of convergence,this theoretical perspective pays more attention to the role of endowment of internal factors in the process of enhancing academic competitiveness;Compared with the current perspective of characteristic development theory,it also has fundamental differences in research starting point,development strategy,research method and so on.However,for the underdeveloped local universities in the west,this new research perspective,coming from the summary of underdeveloped experiences,obviously has a strong theoretical pertinence and practical guidance for the promotion of their academic competitiveness,but in the light of the present situation,there is very few researches on the academic development of underdeveloped universities from this perspective,but there is no special research on how to improve the academic competitiveness of local universities in the underdeveloped western regions.Therefore,it is a new theoretical and practical attempt to apply the theoretical perspective to analyze the promotion and development of the academic competitiveness of local universities in western China.From the perspective of New Structural Economics,this paper has drawn on the core conceptual ideas advanced by the new structural economics and uses the “endowment structure(E)—comparative advantage(A)—development strategy(S)—academic viability(V)” as the endogenous path,with the effective market(M)and the promising government(G)as the outer wings,has established the “EASV-MG” analytical framework for the development of the academic competitiveness of local universities in the west.Through the case study of Guangxi H University,it is found that the "EASV-MG" framework is not only a new theoretical framework for analyzing the development of the academic competitiveness of local colleges in the west,but also a new practice path for the promotion of the academic competitiveness of underdeveloped western local universities.In practice,the "EASV-MG" framework not only provides a reasonable path for local universities in the western region to follow their academic competitiveness in light of their comparative advantages,which is determined by their natural endowment structure of factors of academic production.It also points out a gradual "structural change" path of "underdevelopment" to catch up with "developed" colleges and universities in western China.This gradual path of "structural change" includes the structure of comparative advantage,the strategy of comparative advantage and the upgrading and change of the structure of discipline and specialty,which are brought about by the change of the structure of the school factor endowment.It is also accompanied by the changes of the relative price structure of the academic factors of production reflected by the structure of the government system and the market.In this kind of repeated "structural changes" starting from the structure of factor endowment,the academic competitiveness of the underdeveloped western local colleges and universities following the development of comparative advantage will finally realize the gradual catching up and upgrading to the developed universities.Starting from the case of Guangxi H College,using Burton Clark's triangular coordination theory,this paper analyzes the excessive role of the government and the insufficient role of the market in the process of promoting the academic competitiveness of local universities in the western region.The reason for these problems is apparently the disharmonious relationship among the government,the market,and the local colleges and universities in the process of enhancing the academic competitiveness of local universities in Western China.The reasons for these problems are apparently the disharmonious relationship among the government,the market and the three subjects in the process of promoting the academic competitiveness of the local universities in the west,such as the lack of academic autonomy of the local universities in the west,and the lack of academic autonomy of the local universities in the west.The deeper reason is that the government's power is too large,while the government's excessive power is caused by the inertia of government planning thinking,the lack of effective academic market mechanism,and the lack of academic competition consciousness in colleges and universities,and other historical and practical causes.In order to get rid of the backward situation of academic competitiveness,local colleges and universities in western China should,on the one hand,follow the comparative advantage determined by their own factor endowment structure to develop their academic competitiveness.On the other hand,it is necessary to further play the important role of market in the allocation of academic resources,and to give full play to the role of the government in the development of dominant disciplines and specialties,the improvement of soft and hard infrastructure,and the solution of external problems.As far as the current period of transformation and development of our country is concerned,the most urgent task of the government is to further rationally position the role of guiding the development of schools according to the situation,perfect the effective socialist academic market mechanism,and reform the evaluation standards of colleges and universities to carry out classification evaluation,etc so as to help local colleges and universities in west regions to improve academic competitiveness faster and better.
Keywords/Search Tags:Western local colleges and universities, Academic competitiveness, New Structural Economics, Development path
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