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Research On The Decision-making Mechanism Of Public Projects

Posted on:2006-05-14Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L XieFull Text:PDF
GTID:1119360182972353Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the foundations to maintain social production and existence, and the vitals to support the urban and rural operations in health, public projects play important roles in economic and social sustainable development and in the establishment of harmony society. With the deepening social and economic system reforms and rapidly developing citification, public projects are facing new environments. To meet the new environments, there is a need of new exploring in theories of projects decision-making managements about how to make the limited public resources to realize the most public benefits. To deal with the problems in the field of public projects such as the high malfunction ratio in project decision-makings, the deluge of projects for face, frequent exposures of engineering projects of very low quality, corruptions of officials and so on, it is urgent to reform the decision-making mechanism in public projects and improve the decision-making performance of this kind of projects. Therefore, with the research topic of the decision-making mechanism in public projects, in this thesis, some new thoughts and methods are put forward to improve efficiency and effectiveness in decision-making according to systematic and extensive studies on the decision-making mechanism of public projects.The main research work and conclusions in this thesis are as following: â‘  Firstly, The domestic and foreign theoretical researches on public projects were summarized, and the decision-making practices of public projects in the U.S.A., England, France and Germany were compared. Then helpful instructions and useful experiences for studies on decision-making mechanism of public projects in our country were draw on. Following, there was a summary about relating concepts, and the scope, characteristics, classifications of public projects. And comments on public administration theory, constitution economics theory, bureaucracy economics theory, and so on, constituted the theoretical basics of researches in this paper.â‘¡ The subjects of decision-making were identified in narrow sense and broad sense. Connotations of the mechanism of decision-making by multi-subjects and its realistic significance were analyzed. After comparison with the mechanism of decision-making by elites, it was pointed out that the mechanism of decision-making by multi-subjects is a necessary choice to reform the decision-making mechanism of public projects at the aspect of decision-making subjects.â‘¢ The characteristics and laws of decision-making influences of current subjects in different stages were studied according to questionnaire surveys and statistic analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:Public Projects, Decision-making Mechanism, Influences Powers of Decision-making, Public Participation, Experts Consultation, Organization of Decision-making, Gray Evaluation of Decision-making Risk, Performance Evaluation of Decision-making Mechanism
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