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Research On The Influenceof Entrepreneur's Cultural Capital On Enterprise Growth

Posted on:2020-03-30Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1369330605982427Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The relationship between entrepreneurs and enterprise growth has always been the focus of academic circles.Scholars at home and abroad have discussed the relationship between entrepreneurs and enterprise growth from various perspectives,forming the enterprise growth theories from different perspectives such as entrepreneur human capital,entrepreneur social capital and entrepreneurship.With the deepening of the research,it has been found that individual cultural capital,such as entrepreneur's values,thinking mode,ideals and beliefs,also has an important impact on entrepreneur's innovation behavior and enterprise growth,but the mechanism of its action remains to be further studied and explored.In the 40 years of reform and opening up,great changes have taken place in Chinese society,and three leaps from the "1.0 version" to the " 2.0 version" and then to the "3.0 version" of creating economic miracle have been realized,which has greatly highlighted the prominent status and strength of the Chinese economy in the world.Among them,the team of Chinese entrepreneurs has made inestimable contributions to the creation of the Chinese economic miracle.However,it is regrettable that in the growing and growing ranks of Chinese entrepreneurs,there have also been some behaviors that violate corporate social moral responsibility,thus leading the enterprise to the abyss.In the face of rising entrepreneurial crimes,we can't help but ask why those successful entrepreneurs who have excellent human capital and social capital end up with failure or even crime.It is true that the factors of corporate failure are diverse,such as the lack of institutions,the omission of management,the failure of decision-making,the break of the capital chain,etc..But according to the survey statistics,the most common cause of entrepreneurial crimes is the crime of accepting bribes and the crime of occupational embezzlement.However,no matter what kind of crime,its essence is due to serious deviations in values,which is caused by the lack of morality,integrity and responsibility.These missing ethics,beliefs,integrity and responsibility not only directly lead to entrepreneurial crimes,but also directly inhibit the growth and development of enterprises.According to the cultural capital theory of famous French scholar Bourdieu,the individual values,moral cultivation,ways of thinking,religious beliefs,knowledge and skills are all cultural capitals that can bring value added,and are important endogenous power to promote the growth of enterprises.Therefore,these missing morals,beliefs,integrity and responsibility are the cultural capitals of entrepreneurs and the manifestation of individual values of entrepreneurs.Just as scholar Gao Bo said that cultural values are the soul of entrepreneurship,entrepreneurship is the continued accumulation of cultural capital of entrepreneurs.Entrepreneur as the core of the enterprise,its values,beliefs,and ways of thinking will directly affect the growth and future of the enterprise.Therefore,exploring the cultural capital of entrepreneurs is of great significance to enterprises and the whole society.To this end,based on Bourdieu's theory of cultural capital,entrepreneurs and enterprise growth theory,and through the combing of the existing literature on cultural capital and economic development,entrepreneurs and enterprise growth,this study finds the inherent logical connection to explore the characteristics of the concept of entrepreneurial cultural capital,and then explores the mechanism of the influence of entrepreneurial cultural capital on the growth of enterprise.The full text is divided into six chapters.Chapter 1 is introduction.Put forward questions,clarify academic views,explain the purpose,background and significance of the research,clarify the core content of the research,and explain the technical route,methodological path and possible innovations of the research.Chapter 2 is related basic theories and literature review.On the basis of a brief overview of the core viewpoints of cultural capital theory,sort out the basic context and future direction of the development of cultural capital theory,and emphasize the theoretical contribution of cultural capital to economic growth.From the perspective of cultural values,macroscopically analyze the specific performance of the impact of the cultural capital on economic growth,and explore the measurement of cultural capital which is an important explanatory variable of economic growth theory.Based on the values,cognitive ability,thinking mode,entrepreneurial individual cultural characteristics,etc.,microscopically analyze the impact of cultural capital on enterprise growth.Combined with many theories of enterprise growth,define related concepts such as entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial innovation behaviors.From the perspectives of entrepreneurial human capital,entrepreneurial social capital,entrepreneurship,entrepreneurial individual traits,and entrepreneurial cultural capital,summarize the entrepreneurial theory of enterprise growth and make comments on the existing researches.Chapter 3 studies the mechanism of entrepreneurial cultural capital on enterprise growth.Theoretically define and clarify the conceptual definition of entrepreneurial cultural capital,analyze the connotation,constituents,functional roles and structural dimensions of entrepreneurial cultural capital;through the differences of constituent elements,compare and analyze the difference and internal relationship between entrepreneurial cultural capital and entrepreneurial human capital,entrepreneurial social capital and entrepreneurship,clarify each other's theoretical boundaries;explore the internal and external factors affecting entrepreneurial cultural capital and analyze its mechanism to lay a theoretical foundation for subsequent empirical research.Chapter4 presents research hypotheses and designs.Through the structural dimension of entrepreneurial cultural capital,put forward the theoretical hypothesis of the influence of entrepreneurial cultural capital on enterprise growth,the theoretical hypothesis of the influence of entrepreneurial cultural capital on entrepreneurial innovation behavior,and the theoretical hypothesis of the mediating effect of the entrepreneurial innovation behavior in entrepreneurial cultural capital and enterprise growth.Based on the existing mature scales,construct the index system of each variableincluding the index system of independent variable entrepreneurial cultural capital,the index system of dependent variable enterprise growth,and the index system of intermediary variable entrepreneurial innovation behavior.Then,a conceptual model of the impact of entrepreneurial cultural capital on enterprise growth is constructed.Chapter 5 conducts an empirical test on the proposed research hypotheses.Through pre-survey and formal investigation,the data is collected by questionnaire survey,and the hypotheses and correlation analysis are tested by descriptive statistical methods and multiple regression analysis.Thereby the main research conclusions are drawn.Chapter 6 summarizes the main conclusions of this study,analyzes the limitations,and then proposes future research directions.The possible innovations of this research are as follows:Firstly,re-examine the essential characteristics of entrepreneurial capital from the perspective of cultural capital,propose the concept of entrepreneurial cultural capital,clarify the connotation and functional value of entrepreneurial cultural capital,and clarify the theoretical boundaries and internal relationships between "entrepreneur cultural capital" and"entrepreneur human capital","entrepreneur social capital" and "entrepreneur spirit",in order to enrich and improve the research of entrepreneurial capital theory.Secondly,include entrepreneurial cultural capital,entrepreneurial innovation behavior and enterprise growth in the framework of unified research to explore the impact of entrepreneurial cultural capital on enterprise growth;clarify the intermediary mechanism of entrepreneurial innovation behavior in the impact of entrepreneurial cultural capital on enterprise growth.
Keywords/Search Tags:cultural capital, entrepreneurial cultural capital, entrepreneurial innovation behavior, enterprise growth, mediating effect
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