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Teaching preparation in Journalism and Mass Communications doctoral programs

Posted on:2009-06-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of South CarolinaCandidate:Hamil, Lindsey MorrowFull Text:PDF
GTID:1447390002497523Subject:Mass Communications
This research examined the experiences of doctorate-holders in Journalism and Mass Communications (JMC) regarding the teaching preparation they received while pursuing their terminal degree. The professional nature of JMC education at the bachelors and masters-degree levels means that nearly all the doctoral students in JMC are specifically devoted to teaching careers in the academy. (Salmon et al., 2006). However, few studies have examined how these doctoral students are prepared to enter the college classroom. This mixed-method, national study provided a unique opportunity to identify the elements of academic programs that have been most influential in preparing future faculty members. The self-reported experiences of JMC doctorate-holders provided greater understanding of how faculty members are prepared for college teaching. Furthermore, suggestions from these JMC doctorate-holders can be used to enhance future pedagogical training in doctoral programs.
Keywords/Search Tags:JMC, Doctoral, Doctorate-holders
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