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The influence of pre-training positive Psychological Capital development on training motivation

Posted on:2011-01-05Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Nebraska - LincolnCandidate:Griffith, Jakari NFull Text:PDF
GTID:1447390002966819Subject:Business Administration
This dissertation examines the effects of Psychological Capital (PsyCap) on pre-training motivation and training transfer motivation. Gaps in the training and development literature indicate the need for more expansive theoretical frameworks that broadly explain pre-training motivation and training transfer motivation. To address the call for additional research, two separate research studies were conducted to determine whether pre-training motivation and training transfer motivation are impacted by psychological capital and its development. The first study was a cross-sectional analysis, which was designed to test the conceptual relationships between Psychological Capital (PsyCap) and pre-training motivation and training transfer motivation. Data were gathered from 54 sworn police officers employed in a medium sized metropolitan area. Path Analysis and bivariate correlations were conducted to assess the relationship among the variables. Results from these analyses confirm the variables share both positive empirical and theoretical relationships.;For the second study, a field experiment was utilized to examine the effects of PsyCap development on pre-training motivation and training transfer motivation in a sample of 186 retail employees. Because current approaches to training transfer motivation have not considered whether training motivation can be enhanced through direct intervention, this field study assessed the relative impact of a PsyCap training intervention. Data were gathered from 186 retail employees located in three different states. Study results suggest that psychological capital shares a positive significant relationship with pre-training motivation and transfer training motivation. Results from the study also indicate the intervention did not significantly improve levels of pre-training or training transfer motivation for the PsyCap training group. However, it was found that the PsyCap training intervention positively affected post-training means of PsyCap for one of the three store locations. In terms of relationships shared among the variables, it was found that training transfer motivation was a significant predictor of engagement, satisfaction, and performance. And the relationship between PsyCap and training transfer motivation was fully mediated by pre-training motivation. Specific study details, analysis, and implications are presented within the body of this text.
Keywords/Search Tags:Motivation, Training, Psychological capital, Psycap, Development, Positive, Data were gathered, Among the variables
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