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Implementation of the Pennsylvania state standards for physical education: Teacher and student perspectives

Posted on:2008-09-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Temple UniversityCandidate:Cummiskey, Matthew DavidFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to measure the effect of the passage of the Pennsylvania standards for physical education upon its planning, teaching, and assessment in the public schools. Data were collected through three primary methods: online teacher surveys (n = 292), teacher interviews and observations (n = 16), and written student surveys (n = 338).; A factor analysis was conducted which yielded four factors. The factors scores were compared to demographic variables using ANOVAs , correlations, regressions, and t-tests. Of the 40 comparisons analyzed, 13 were significant at the alpha level of .05 although none were considered practically significant (>10%). All practical significance calculations were below 5% with the exception of locale (6.17%).; Based upon the online survey results, 16 teachers were interviewed and observed and provided curricular documents such as lesson plans. Analysis of the qualitative data yielded five major themes and several sub-themes. Teachers perceived that the standards were valuable yet too vague. Physical education was not allotted the necessary instructional time, particularly at the elementary level, to accomplish the standards. Physical education coordination through supervisors or department chairpersons was largely ineffective and lacked the authority to mandate and implement change. Teachers perceived they were meeting and addressing the state standards when their instruction either did not address the standards or did so superficially. Verifiable assessment of student learning of standards-based content occurred infrequently. Physical education professional development opportunities were insufficient and did not adequately focus on the physical education standards.; Analysis of the student survey results indicated that more students should be aware of the standards and that standards 10.4C and 10.4D were not sufficiently addressed. A factor analysis was conducted which yielded two factors. Analysis of the factor scores against the demographic groups indicated that middle school students scored significantly higher in terms of knowledge of the standards and physical education content compared to elementary and high school students. In addition, elementary school students enjoyed physical education significantly more than middle or high school students.
Keywords/Search Tags:Physical education, Standards, Student, Teacher
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