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The Impacts of Quality Teaching on Student Satisfaction in Higher Education in South Sudan

Posted on:2017-02-24Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Trident University InternationalCandidate:Ajang, Jacob AguerFull Text:PDF
GTID:1457390008457331Subject:Higher Education
The purpose of this quantitative research study was to examine the impact of quality teaching on student satisfaction in higher education in South Sudan (with the data being collected at University of Juba), one of five public universities in the country. The objective of the study was to provide specific guidance to help teachers improve effective teaching strategies by engaging students in active learning, creating effective curriculum which supports an increased learning experience, and developing an effective environment in which students have connections in the classroom. The primary data source was a stratified random sample of 267 students selected for sample representatives from a cross-section within eight colleges of the University of Juba. The data were collected by using survey instruments: What Is Happening in This Class (WIHIC); Student Satisfaction Inventory (SII) and ask open ended questions to summarize the data survey questionnaires. Qualitative open ended questions were asked to help gain a clear understanding and summarize the data survey questionnaires. The students' demographical sample of (n=267) participants comprised by gender; where males covered the majority sample of 95.1% and only 4.9% of the sample were female. In terms of grade level: 82.4% of students were in 2nd year; 12.4% were in 3rd year; and 4.5% were in 4th year. In terms of GPA: 63.7% students indicated to have 2.0 GPA; 28.1% have 3.0 GPA; and 8.2% have 4.0 GPA. In term of marital status: 95.5% students were unmarried and 4.5% were married. In terms of financial situation: 87.3% participants indicated they were unemployed and 12% indicated that they were employed.;In order to answer the primary research question, details of Hierarchical regression analysis indicates that the variance accounted for the demographical predictors equaled 2.4% was not significant (F (5, 257) = 1.275, p.275), they were not predictors of student satisfaction. The variance accounted with the independent variables (predictors) 8.7 % (F (7, 250) = 7.13, p<=.05), the regression model was significant. The finding from this study provides the Ministry of Higher Education quick assistance in constructing the effectiveness of quality teaching at top leadership and departmental levels identify standards that promote good practices to meet students' expectations and implement programs for effective learning.
Keywords/Search Tags:Student satisfaction, Quality teaching, Higher education, Effective
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