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Undergradaute students' self-efficacy and cognitive behaviors for learning in multidisciplinary project teams

Posted on:2013-04-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Purdue UniversityCandidate:Chen, XiaojunFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate individual students' learning from the perspectives of self-efficacy and cognitive learning expressions in multidisciplinary project teams. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected to address the major research questions, which are aimed at understanding individual students' learning experiences in multidisciplinary teams. Cross-disciplinary team leanring questionnaires were used to collect students' pre and post self-efficacy, and the researcher conducted interviews to investigate the reasons affecting students' self-efficacy and the expressions of cognitive behaviors of team learning. The researcher analyzed data from one hundred and fifty-three pairs of students' questionnaire responses, and nine interviews. The reasons affecting change in students' self-efficacy are presented. Findings include four major themes regarding students' cognitive behavior expression in multidisciplinary teams. Results of the study show that participating in multidisciplinary project teams has a positive impact on students' confidence in learning from members of other disciplines. Students' self-efficacy is influenced by team context, team task, and the communication process during team discussion. The study contributes to the literature on team learning from the perspective of applying social cognitive learning theories in a project-based learning environment. The results show that communication skills in cross-disciplinary collaboration can be specified in three aspects: define and explain one's own discipline; learn the technical language or common language with input of members from other disciplines; ask critical questions after the shared understanding of common languages in the team.
Keywords/Search Tags:Students', Team, Self-efficacy, Cognitive, Multidisciplinary project
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