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Service-learning leadership and implementation in three middle schools. The story of an innovation in the school district of Philadelphia: A qualitative study

Posted on:2006-11-10Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:University of PittsburghCandidate:Taliaferro, RhondaFull Text:PDF
The purpose of this study was to identify the definition of service-learning used in Philadelphia, recognize the practice as a K-12 teaching methodology in the School District of Philadelphia, examine the vision and leadership practices as a strategy for innovation, and observe implementation for sustainability in three selected middle schools.; In this case study, the NUD*IST Version 4 computer software system was used in the process of qualitative data analysis for interviews with 20 middle school-based, central office, community, and state liaison leaders of service-learning.; Service-learning in Philadelphia was examined by using the model of shared vision by Conrad and Martinez where school-based activity and practices were reviewed.; Suggested leadership models for service-learning by Aguilera included transformational, and catalytic leadership, and cross-role leadership, of Fullan and Miles. Elements for effective service-learning implementation and outcomes with teachers, students, parents, and the community in large-scale efforts of change and reform were presented with suggestions from the voices of Philadelphia leaders.; Implications and recommendations for the future in policy and practice of service-learning as a teaching methodology, innovation, and reform effort suggested dialogue, reflection, and inclusion of all stakeholder groups; ongoing and frequent professional development with teachers, administrators, and the community; phase in and pilot testing to ensure buy in; connections with The No Child Left Behind legislation; and cooperation in preparation and training with universities and school districts.
Keywords/Search Tags:Service-learning, Philadelphia, School, Leadership, Implementation, Middle, Innovation
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