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Understanding How Police Cope with Stress to Promote Resiliency: Multiple Case Study

Posted on:2018-05-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Northcentral UniversityCandidate:Sadulski, JarrodFull Text:PDF
Due to the inherent dangers to themselves and traumatic incidents police officers experience on the job, stress is known as a major problem in the profession that can have a serious effect on the police officer if not properly managed. The purpose of this qualitative case study was to examine police stress and identify effective coping strategies were used by veteran police officers who successfully managed police stress throughout their careers. Data for analysis were obtained from interviews with veteran police officers. Participants included members of the Florida Fraternal Order of Police and Georgia Fraternal Order of Police. Participants were veteran police officers with at least 16 years of experience. Interviews were conducted using a semi-structured interview protocol with open-ended questions. DedooseRTM software was used to assemble and analyze the data. Themes and patterns were identified followed by inductive reasoning. Results provided knowledge about the most effective stress coping strategies used by the police officers. The data analysis through DedooseRTM enabled the researcher to identify specific themes that were identified as effective in managing police stress to promote resiliency in participants' professional careers and in their personal lives. In order of importance, themes included Training, Family, Peer Support through Communication, Experience, and a Life and Identity Outside Policing. Results provided valuable insights and details about these effective stress management techniques participants used to manage the stress associated with their careers in law enforcement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Stress, Police, Effective, Used
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