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Research On The Local Regency System In Tibet

Posted on:2011-07-06Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z YangFull Text:PDF
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The unique geography, climate, religion and culture of Tibet bred a unique form of political system, the regency is one of the most typical one of the political system. Tibet regent system has been in two hundred years of history, as to the regent candidate requirements, political achievements, the regent system reform and other aspects, it has rich historical process and informative literature. It was a typical and special system in the history of political system at home and abroad, that deserved in-depth study and extensive discussions.The current of academic research on the Tibet regent system, in addition to the piecemeal relevant records in the grand narrative in the political history, the specialized regent research articles very few, lack of systematic research. In this paper, on the basis of a comprehensive collection of materials scattered in various archives about regent related contents, detailed described the historical activities of Tibet regent and assessed the role of regent in Tibet historical process, in order to more profound analyze the merits and demerits of Tibet regent system.As to research methods, this study aims to break through the "relationship history", the dominant framework of Tibet history study, based on the Tibet's own subjectivity in the historical development. That is, more concerned about the significance impact of its own political institutional factors on Tibet local history process. by the comprehensive utilization of history, political science, ethnology and other knowledge, to study the advantages and disadvantages of Tibet traditional political system.This paper is divided into five chapters, the following are the main contents of each chapter:First, reviewed the regent phenomenon in Chinese and foreign history and proposed the specific characteristic of Tibet regent system by comparing. Clearly defined the concept of Tibet regent by clarifying the different interpretations of "Regent" in Tibetan and Chinese literature, also determined the established time of Tibet regent system, elaborate the foundation background of this system.Second, focusing on the candidates for Tibet regent, from the practice and the special case of regent candidates view, the regent candidates expounded in two broad classes. The first contain the "four major class" Living Buddha and Ganden Tripa system; the special case include Panchen system, customs officials and the candidate following the resignation of regent. I am trying to answer the reason why the Panchen Lama lineage cannot be regent candidates.Third, the regent were divided into two class, first was powerful, positive regent, second was short ruling time, limited historical achievements regent. Respectively described the regent political achievements and analyzed the characteristics of regent political activities.Fourth, focus on the delicate nature of the Regent. The Regent inevitably came into political conflict sand power struggles. This chapter contain various types of events, described the struggle between the regent with the Dalai Lama,Tibet upper elite figures, high commissioners and so on.Fifth, there were many reasons for the nearly two hundred years successful implementation of the regency, including system reform, the times of opportunity and ideological support. Regent system on the historical process of Tibet has had a positive impact, but inevitably with its limitations and drawbacks.Tibet's regent system was a special form of local political system; it was incubated in the unique political environment of Tibet. Study on Tibetan regent system in-depth will have added meaning to the study of political system history, and also giving historical reference to the political system design of minority areas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tibet Regent System, Candidates, Achievements, Advantages and Disadvantages
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