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Educational Transcendence: Towards The Self Of The Other

Posted on:2012-07-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:G ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:1487303356488194Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The dissertation tries rethinking the meaning of education the fundamental problem of educational philosophy, or we say what does education mean for human being? A total investigation of modern education indicates the basic matter that modern education facing a loss of life meaning and anxiety has constructed in the totality of modernity, and can't put forward an idea and road to transcend themselves for modern people. So, this question essentially relates education to the desire of the true life, which the pursuer of the meaning of education can't leave the metaphysical question of life. The metaphysical desire of the true life finally shows that it is the transcendence from the I toward the infinite other, which is a real transcendence because with a relation to the infinite other.The thing, that the good revealing in the transcendence from the I to the infinite other points the inherent definition of self-transcendence. Infinity is infinity of the good. The I find the original location where the good in the world, among in the pursuit of love and justice of the I to the other. The dilemma of love is, when it faces the absolute responsibility to the other, it finds that the diversity of the other bring the problem of justice. Therefore, transcendence manifests itself that it is the infinite demand from the good and justice. Since the justice decides the community's ethical nature, in this sense that family life, social life, political life has become three integral expressions of self-transcendence. The performance of self-transcendence is the pursuit for the forging of a great personality, though difficult, but don't stop.Similarly, education is also a way of self-transcendence. As a response to the call from children, education makes the I become educator when it makes children into educatee first. The secret of education is that it realizes transcendence itself in the course of help children to realize self-transcendence. From good and just the education gains its essential definition, and guide children to good and just. Therefore, the education embodies a historical heritage about transcendence, represents a lasting persistence and hard work between generation and generation. It is through constant sure of the time, education is rendered as a close hope to the eternity.Education is for the individual transcendence, in this regard, the education provides a path to guide individual toward transcendence. Only through education, educatee will realize transcendence. Transcendence shows itself that it is a long-term process of self-exercise, an educational process for the gradual realization of transcendence which through the opposition movement of the self and the other. This article uses of phenomenological methods for detailed and in-depth investigation, in which the stage, form, character and dynamic of this self-exercise in the process of education, rationally showing the inevitable process of the realization of self transcendence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Infinite other, Good, Justice, The other, Self - transcendence, Transcendence of education
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