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The Preventive Diplomacy And Conflict Resolution In ASEAN:Political And Security Issues

Posted on:2022-06-13Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Chheun SoklaFull Text:PDF
GTID:1526306347493494Subject:International politics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Political and security are a major concern for every country all over the world.Also,it is either grounded as a sensitive issue or common sense to discuss on any essential rising issues among and between leaders and leaders—advancing cooperation in the region causes a country to see the level of national interests.ASEAN is a driver seat of so many countries in Southeast Asia which roles based on three pillars(APSC,AEC,and ASCC).ASEAN Leader is working hard to ensure that all issues in ASEAN should be encountered by its member which abide by a productive dialogue and respect the international law.Preventing is much better than curing whereas Preventive Diplomacy(PD)considers as the fundamental actor to de-escalate any suspect that happens in different conditions.ASEAN extends its political and economic institutions in the purpose for integrating all major power states to catch up great opportunities and continue reinforcing the capacity building through the best practices.PD is the central means of ASEAN Regional Forum(ARF),which creates for the discussion on political and security.It gathers twenty-seven independent states including the world superpower,the largest and second largest economic countries,so its generally principles turn into a big roundtable discussion that can bring a good solution for members,especially maintaining the Asia-Pacific region and the world into peace and stability.PD and Conflict Resolution(CR)will be powerfully supported by the works of political and security.It goes smoothly to adjust on the political talks in line with the cross cutting sector like political and security,trade and economic,and socio-culture.Indeed,PD couldn’t be successful in addressing any issue unless it is taken from the Confidence Building Measures(CBMs).CBMs is kind of the basis conflict resolution in which functioning to collect all relevant information of the issue through finding cause and effect then apply the proper mechanism-led.To respond to any issue both internally and externally,ARF and ASEAN are conducting the ARF to attract all concern parties to participate directly and express whatever they have challenged in order to seek assistance from all participants.There are a lot of powerful nation states come to listen and share their perspectives together,so it would be immensely produced a good cooperation that to be seen by the globe.Conflict is rising day by day,so backward to the PD,it is working very closely with CBMs to constrain the foundation of mutual trust and understanding,especially to respect mutually beneficial and not interfere with one country’s internal affairs.To manage the situation that could escalate into conflict or armed raise or armed conflict or war,CBMs and PD play as a crucial role to reduce those tensions that happened unpredictably and unconditionally.In this connection,the roles of diplomats would serve as practical measure rather than theoretical aspect.Practical based approach in collaboration with the principle of ASEAN,PD Mechanism which developed by ARF would appreciate by all participants as the mechanism-led in dealing with any outbreak of issue.They are going to uphold the PD’s principles which agreed by their leaders,so sensitive issues will remain stable and produce a better environment.However,the practical based approach of PD wouldn’t effectively implement to all cases.It depends on the possibility of dispute parties as well as the participating countries who willing to take a good enquiry in order to calm the situation into normalcy.To some extent,any complicated issue couldn’t be addressed peacefully due to lacking of the participation and cooperation,especially PD and CR don’t have a clear mechanism to force any relevant party to respect as legally binding.Nevertheless,even these two aforementioned couldn’t provide powerfully intervened to any major conflict,it at least paves a constructive way to enhance concern parties to understand the root cause of conflict,so it might be halt the situation not to widespread into conflict or violence.It could be well-beneficial if state abides by the international law,which starts up its milestone progressively based on the regional cooperation first.Big sates may have some ideas to tell you what to do,how to solve it,or they will support you to interact something.ASEAN is a central means that could bring this opportunity for its partners to sustain peace and stability together.So,this study is going to address how the preventive diplomacy workout in preventing conflicts in ASEAN and also building a firm foundation to develop the conflict resolution prospects.This study involved representatives from different background who are working directly on ASEAN.We use three research methodologies.First,we use a comparative method which compare between PD applied as a conflict resolution and existed the ASEAN Dispute Settlement Mechanism in the ASEAN Charter in order to measure similarities and differences implementation as generally assumed as conflict resolution in ARF and ASEAN.Second,we use desk-based case studies by analyzing two case studies on the Cambodia-Thailand territorial dispute and the Rakhine State issue.Finally,the qualitative research is also used.We are going to use face-to-face in-depth interviews with higher ranking senior diplomats and experts from different institutions of Cambodia.In this regard,we also use email to interview from one of diplomats from Lao PDR who is currently in charge of ASEAN.We believe these key participants would share a lot of productive findings of this research.
Keywords/Search Tags:ASEAN, ASEAN Regional Forum, Confidence Building Measures, Preventive Diplomacy, and Conflict Resolution
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