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On The Characterization Of Aida In Verdi's Opera Aida

Posted on:2011-02-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Giuseppe Verdi owned an important place in the splendid history of Italian opera, who was the most outstanding opera composer second to Montvale. He created a new era for the art of the opera.Romanticism played a deep influence on Verdi and made an advocate for that of him. Though his style changed with the changes of ages and his social experience, some features did not change, such as his dealing with the script, theme and voice part as well as his requirements for the singer. Generally, his works can be classified into three phases. He composed Oberto (1839)and Camille(1853)during the first phases, Les vêpres siciliennes(1855)and Aida (1871)during the second phases. Aida (1871)and Fasitafu (1893) represented his third phase. Aida was his best work.The thesis will conduct an in-depth research on the characterization of Aida taking Aida as the object and the music and script of this opera as the entry point, by adopting ontological research method. The thesis consists of three parts. The introduction part introduces the life history and his opera composing, the second part gives a glimpse of Aida and the last part elaborates on the characterization of Aida.As the representative work of Verdi, Aida speaks his opera theory during this phase. It has magnificent, sadly moving themes, and combines of nihility and reality. It carries on the Italian opera's traditional style and absorbs the theory of French opera, which makes Aida outstanding in its artistic quality. The opera characterizes a sacred Aida, who is kind, innocent, wise and upright and steadfast in personality and cherishing an intense sentiment of patriotism.Aida's role-player exercise proper control in the stage, especially to the point in the respect of the communication of emotions. The most important thing is to grasp the characters: on the one hand, the player should show the sacredness. On the other hand, she should not be restricted by the concept of sacredness. The sacredness we are talking about is not the distinguished outward appearance, but the beautiful mind which is kind, innocent, strong and loyal. The singer should represent an Aida who is na?ve, but not ignorant, self-respectful, but not arrogant, sad, but not grudging, and downhearted, but not despair.
Keywords/Search Tags:Verdi, Aida, Opera, Character
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