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The Mutual Language And Culture Transplantings In English And Chinese Translations

Posted on:2004-06-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360092991646Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The mtha infiltration, convergence and coIIUntalcation of langUage andculture among different nations and ndionalities have been conbely deePening,subject to naional social-political imPact and intemational influence of translation.Translation plays so imPortan roles in modem society that ther9 are no culturalcommunications withoat translation. The pmpose and charateristics of trallslation areto exchange ideas and cultUres. Translation promotes conunwhcation and developmentof langUages and culthes among different nations. Translation Shou1d reflect the alienthings in a stfange land that are expressed in the source langUage and cultUfC. Undersuch circurnstances, lots of scholars have had discussions about phenomena of cultUralcornmunications in tfanslation. They point oat tha the process of trdelation is tha ofcultural trapsplating, naxnely, the eqet langUage is used to convey the culturalfeatUres of the source text. We know tha langUage is the cAner of the cultUre since itreflects the cultUre. A strict and eamsi translator should nOt only transplant thecontents of the original, but also try to keep the forms of the source langUage. Theauthor in this thesis assurnes that in the process of tal culforal transPlaning,langUage transplaning is well under way The forms of mutUal language and cultUretrallsplamings in Chinese and English translations are: westeAnanion in Chinesetranslation and siniciZaion in English translation. The presellt thesis makes an attCmPtto illustrae how the English langUage and cultUre can be tranSPlanted into Chinese and. 1vise versa. By a careful comParaive study, the aUthr analyses the process and impactof language and cultural transplatings in Chinese and English translations.In the first chaPter, the author gives definitions of language and culforetransPlanings, and then proves the feasibility and necessity of mutual langUage andculture transplanings and at last presents the research objective of this thesis.ChaPter 2 delineates the extemal conditions of the mutllal language and cultatransplanings in Chinese and English translations. Research literatUre in three domainsis reviewed: the relation among langUage, cultUre and mutual transplantings; therelation between language and cultUre translatability and mutual transplanings; therelation between cultUral comPatibility and mUtUal transplanings. ms chaPter alsorelates the feafores of language and culthe tO mutual trgnsplantings, and presents thefeasibility and inevitability of mutual language and cultUre transplanings from thepersPective of development and change, Which pave the Way fdr the research on theforms of the mutual langUage and culfore transP1amings in detail as the theoreticalbasis.ChaPter 3 presefits and discusses the fOrms of mutual langUage and cultUraltransplanings in Chinese and English translations, that is, weStemization in Chinesetrallslation and sinicianion in English trallslation. In this chaPtef, a comparative stUdyis made to illuStrat westemiZaion and sinicization in great dewils. In the section ofwestemization, the author firstly comes up with the reasons of westemiZation fromsynChronic and diachronic angIes. Secondly, expression Ievels of westeAnzation inChinese trallslation are illustfated, tha is, on the langUage level and on the cultUrelevel respectively mrdly, the author differentiates positive westendZation fromnegative westendZation wtth abundan examPles. In the section of siniciZation,likewse, firstly, the aUthor analyses the reasons of sinicization from the synchronicand diachronic angles. Secondly expression levels of sinicization in Englishtranslation are displayed, including the langUage level and the cultUfal level. mrdly,China English and Chinese English are distingulshed by their featUrs. In the lastsection, translation aPproaches to westendZation in Chinese translation and sinicizationin English trANslation are listed according tO the different conditions so a...
Keywords/Search Tags:language and culture, matual transplanings, translation, westernization in Chinese translation, sinicization in English translation
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