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The Chinese Sitcom In The Age Of Mass Entertainment

Posted on:2007-11-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ShangFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the mass entertainment age as a background, the thesis makes a systematic research on the historical development and the artistic features of Chinese situation comedy. In this age, entertainment, supported by the mass media, plays a leading role, and it is influencing and penetrating all aspects such as economy, culture and society. As the pure TV comedy, sitcom is worth the good model for this unparalleled "ha-ha" time by so many laughs in and out of the TV screen. Sitcom not only serves as the light image of this time, but also tells us the spirit of the time. It not only molds the real world, but also is molded by the real world. By the sitcom, it's really a vital way to help us understand the essence of the times.Form an exotic to a familiar, Chinese sitcom is getting mature by learning merits from many art forms, and Chinese sitcom has its own distinctive characteristics against Chinese mass entertainment culture background. The thesis probes into the Chinese sitcom in terms of its development, the artistic features, the entertainment policy and the commercial pattern so that the Chinese sitcom could develop faster on the basis of a clear, full and incisive theory.
Keywords/Search Tags:sitcom, mass culture, entertainment
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