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Discussion On The Interaction And Development Of Financial Industry, Tourism And Gambling Industry From The Industrial Structure Of Macau.

Posted on:2002-08-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z G LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The induStrial StruCtUre of Macau is mainly consiSted of fOur major seCtors, they aremanufactUre and exPort. tourism and gambling, finance and insurance. and real est3e seCtorresPeCtively, the growth of each seCtor is eatremely unbalance. Take the manufathee and exportinduStry fOr example. the shortage of labouf. the quota syStem is removed on coming years, andthe slow progress of StruCtUral change wchn the sector make it difficult tO growth. Moreovef,the problem of large amount empty aPartments is difficult to solve also discourage the real estateinduStry prospect. On the other hand. with the advantages of sufficient tourism facilities,convenient trffoc and up-to dated telecommunication. no foreign currency talriCtion and freepoty touriSt attractions of Chinese-weStern drix culture, the large number of visitors and the solelegal status fOr gambling within mainland china make the todrism and gambling industry an leadinduStry of Macau's economy. During the criical moment of garnbling refOrm and innovation onfinancial seCtOf the interaCtion bdeeen these tWo industries will ensure Macau to enjoy a stableand prosperous developmen.
Keywords/Search Tags:Macau, Financial Industry, Tourism Industry, Interaction, Development
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