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Discussion On Operation And Management Of The Basic-level Commercial Banks After Joining WTO

Posted on:2002-02-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S LinFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The basic-level commercial bank is a basic unit of the bank industry in China. Whether the operation of basic-level commercial bank is good or not is to decide directly the reform and development of the commercial banks in China. Since I graduated from Hunan Finance and Economics Institute with the major of banking in July. 1989. I have been working for operation and management of the basic-level commercial banks. As China is going to join WTO. the competition for banking industry will grow much sharper. How to strengthen the operation and management of the basic-level commercial banks has become an urgent and hot issue for the present banking work.Fm now combining with my working experiences and try to make a systemic and deep analysis on the operation and management of the basic-level commercial banks after joining WTO. The whole paper is divided into four parts. Part 1 is to introduce the affects on Chinese economy and banking industry and its countermeasure to be adopted while joining WTO. and propose the idea of the operation and management of the basic-level commercial banks. Part 2 is to discuss the cultural construction of the enterprises in the basic-level commercial banks. Part 3 is made for deep analysis on how to attain resources and increase the efficiency of the basic-level commercial hanks. And Part 4 is to make a further discussion on how to bring up the sincerity of customers bv the basic-level commercial banks.
Keywords/Search Tags:WTO, Basic-level commercial bank, Operation and management
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