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The Research Of The Sustainable Development Of Chinese Folklore-tourism

Posted on:2003-11-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T GuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360065464053Subject:China's modern history
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The folklore-tourism is the important component of tourism in China. For many years, the folk-tourism has developed and contributed to the tourism in China. But during the development of folklore, there are many disadvantages to sustainable development, for example, the accelerating disappear of folklore, the existence of folklore alienation, false folklore, the folklore-tourism, which affects and prevents the sustainable development of folklore. When the theory of the sustainable becomes tourism guidance, it is concerned with the healthy development of folklore-tourism how to fresh folklore-tourism, to solve the problems existing in folklore-tourism by the theory of sustainable development. According to the theory of sustainable development and of sustainable tourism development. My thesis studies the sustainable development of folklore-tourism and puts forth my own opinions about it on the basis of previous study.The first part of my thesis generalizes and summarizes the basic theory of folklore-tourism and shows my opinions about the development of folklore-tourism in foreign countries. What's more, the thesis focuses on analyzing the development of Chinese folklore-tourism for twenty years and inducts the three developmental stages, achievements, the existing problems of folklore-tourism and points out that the sustainable development is the only way to Chinese folklore-tourismThe second part inquires into the basic theories of folklore-tourism. It has been derived from the problems of the environmental and ecological protection. The theory of the sustainable development has been the development strategy of 21st century since it was born in 1960.It stresses two aspects: one is the protection of environment and resources; the other is the sustainable development. Introduced into tourism, the theory of sustainable development has had a great and effective effect on it. The sustainable development of tourism emphasizes the protection of the natural relations and interactions between organisms and their environment and developing tourism on the basis of bearance of resources and ecological environment, suits local economy, culture and social moral, achieves the harmony between the development of tourism and nature, culture, existing environment, not only meets the demands of modern generations but also ensure not to endanger ones of the future generations. Stating the theories of sustainable development and of tourism sustainable development, my thesis raises the meaning, objection, principle of tourism sustainable development, and points out that folklore-tourism as a part of tourism obeys the general principles of tourism sustainable development, but it emphasizes the protection of culture, especially folklore culture, At the same time, man is an important factor of the resource of folklore-tourism. If only man is involved, the sustainable development of folk-tourism can be achieved. So man as the resource of folklore-tourism should be paid attention to.The third part is the key of my thesis, which strategically works out the sustainable development of tourism from eight respects. The thesis thinks that it important to sit up theconception of ecology. The key of the sustainable development of tourism is to protect the resources and the environment of the folklore-tourism. Exploiting the resources of the folklore-tourism is a key link which affects the development and protection of the folklore-tourism. In this respect, it is necessary to set up scientific and reasonable exploiting procedure, to intensify the feasible analysis, to make the protective exploitation programme, to obey the principle of exploitation and protection and fair principle and the principle of citizen's involving. In respect of expanding market, folklore-tourism should pay attention to the role of folklore culture. Although the geographical and economic factors have a great effect on the market, the culture fundamentally restricts the development of the market, which should be attached importance to. There are many proble...
Keywords/Search Tags:China, Folklore-tourism, Sustainable development, Environment, Protection
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