With the accession to WTO and economic globalization trend, various industrial economy and regional economy of our country begin to incorporate global economic system. Now technological innovation and knowledge innovation are accelerating day by day. Facing on the competition from global economy, what our country has to do was strategic industrial structure adjustment and regional economy development, which meet the rule of economy development. During the war without gunpowder, and with its unique external economical effect, innovation and spread effect and regional brand effect, cluster attracts the attention of all countries' experts and scholars. It not only promotes economy growth of the region, but also strengthens the key competitiveness of this area. At present, our country still lack of perfect developed cluster, we participate in the world economy competition by private enterprise clusters, which just owned low-priced workforce and natural resources.Basing on these realities above, this dissertation researched our countries' private enterprise clusters, built an clusters' competitiveness appraise system, distinguished different life cycles of clusters' development, brought forward strategic countermeasure of which promote clusters' competitiveness in different stage clearly. Finally, it advised that cluster strategy was the best countermeasure which promoted clusters' competitiveness of our country. Such meaning of this title is quite clear. In practice, it will contribute to promoting the development of local economy and strengthening the regional competitiveness; in theory, it will perfect the domestic research in private enterprise clusters and fill in the research gap of cluster in Quanzhou.The following is the research frame of this dissertation:Chapter one: Introduce background, research significance, research object, research contents and methods of this dissertation; review the history of clusters theoretical research in detail; dissertate main research dynamic status of domestic and international;Chapter two: Through explain theoretical foundation of cluster research, it defines and demarcates clusters, introduces the concept of private enterprises' cluster on this basis, and summarizes current situation of Quanzhou private enterprises' cluster;Chapter three: Propose the concept of cluster competitiveness, collect and analysis those factors which influence cluster competitiveness, and set up an appraisal system of private enterprises' cluster competitiveness;Chapter four: Define developing stages of private enterprises' cluster with clusters' dominance competitiveness, analysis characteristic and law of private enterprises' cluster in different life cycle, give out strategic countermeasures separately which promote cluster competitiveness in different stage;Chapter five: On the basis chapter three and chapter four, propose what we can use cluster strategic planning to promote Quanzhou cluster competitiveness; and recommend thought of cluster strategic planning;Chapter six: Introduce the case of Quanzhou sports shoes cluster, use competitiveness appraise system and life cycle theory for empirical analysis, and put forward detailed countermeasure that can promote cluster competitiveness;Conclusion: Summarize the research of full dissertation, and point out some weaknesses of this dissertation. |