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The Research On The Core Competence Of State Owned Foreign Trade Enterprises In China

Posted on:2004-07-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360125455100Subject:Political economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The State Owned Foreign Trade Enterprises (SOFTEs) were founded and developed within the system of Plan Economy. The born disadvantages related with the Plan Economy System make them uncompetitive in the international arena under the circumstance of Market Economy and Internationalization. In the same time, the development of world economy is speeded down, as well as the trade conservativeness is re-overwhelming. It's difficult to explore the new market on the base of outdated trade structure. Also we must confront with the challenge from the Developing Countries.The research on the advantage of enterprise is the focus of many fields. This research is important to increase the ability of enterprise as well take the leading position for the enterprises. The recent development of this research shows that the focus is changed from the external factors to the internal factors. The tendency made the new theory, which is the Enterprise Capability Theory.The essay analyzed the components of core capability of SOFTEs, the comparative advantage and disadvantage in the framework of Enterprise Capability Theory. Following is the creative point of this essay. The author sorted the SOFTEs according to the operation field, into four classes, which are manufacturing trade, intermediate trade, service trade, and technology trade. Then compared the SOFTEs with private enterprises and foreign enterprises. Through this analysis, we can more accurately grasp the competitive advantage of SOFTEs.The author looked back to the different development phases of SOFTEs in order to find the various characteristics of competitiveness according to different phases. Then draw the rule of evolution of the core competitiveness. Also supplied the theoretical support for the followed analysis.At last, the author propose some suggestions about how to culture the core competitiveness of SOFTEs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Core Competence, Competitive Advantage, Innovation, Asset Right
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