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The Development Of Chinese Communist Party's Democratic Centralism Ideas From 1921 To 1982

Posted on:2012-04-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J QiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166330335468488Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The democratic centralism is the Chinese Communist Party's organizational principles and organizational system, and the success or failure of the Chinese Communist Party bears a close relationship with the democratic centralism. Studying the democratic centralism on the basis of the Chinese Communist Party Constitution helps to grasp the whole development process the democratic centralism ideas, to understand the tortuous process of applying the democratic centralism, to learn lessons from it, and to confirm the importance of implementing the democratic centralism in real life.Based on the provisions on democratic centralism in the constitution of Chinese Communist Party from the first People's Congress to the twentieth and on the development of the democratic centralism through the implement of Chinese Communist Party, this thesis aims at systematically studying the development of the Chinese Communist Party's democratic centralism.The main structure of the article is as follows:Chapter one is about the Chinese Communist Party's democratic centralism in the new democratic revolution period. The democratic centralism experiences a process from simple to perfect. The Party carries out the practice of democratic centralism in the revolution, and she has gradually turned the provisions to the actual action. She also gradually deepens her understanding of democratic centralism in practice and primarily achieves the combination of centralization under democracy and the democracy under centralization.Chapter two is about the development and the twists and turns of Chinese Communist Party's democratic centralism after the foundation of China. In the early days of the new China, in order to consolidate the new regime, the party regards the democratic centralism as an important political resource to enhance unity and consolidate her ruling status. The provisions of the eighth People's Congress look upon the strengthen of democratic centralism as an important issue of the construction of the ruling party emphasizing the development of party democracy, fighting against the worship of individual and greatly promoting the party's understanding of democratic centralism. After the eighth People's Congress, the socialist construction has experienced a tortuous development, while the normal political life was severely damaged, which severely destroys the development of the Party's democratic centralism.Chapter three is about the development of the Chinese Communist Party's democratic centralism since the reform and the opening up. After the "Cultural Revolution", the older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, especially represented by Deng Xiaoping, learned an important cause of the "Cultural Revolution", namely, the destruction of the Party's democratic centralism. Deng Xiaoping emphasized that in the new period of the reform and the opening up, in order to restore the democratic centralism the party needs to develop her democracy, to institutionalize and legalize the democracy and to make great efforts to achieve this goal. The new party provisions passed in the twentieth People's Congress resumes the related provisions of the eighth People's Congress, and prescribes six basic principles of democratic centralism. These basic principles conform with the current reality of the construction of the party and also have a long-term significance on her future construction.Chapter four is the conclusion, which summarizes the Party's basic lessons on the understanding of the democratic centralism.
Keywords/Search Tags:democratic centralism, ideas, the Chinese Communist Party, the Party's Constitution
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