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Study Of Social Security Problems Under The Scientific Development View

Posted on:2007-03-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C G LvFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360212458746Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The economy of our country contains the new instability while it presents the vigorous growth. Regulating the economic instability effectively, it is necessity to choose to set up and perfect the social security system. The modern social security is the inevitable result of the market economy, the main way to intervene the economy, and the important means to coordinate social contradiction. It offers the basic system of development space of productivity in the existing frame of relations of production. At the same time, the social security is a sign of social progress, known as the stabilizer of economic development and safety net of the society operation. Which kind of social security system is chosen? It is affected by many kinds of factors. The situations of countries are different, the development levels of productivity are different, and the ethical factor of the history is different. All of these have determined the differences and characteristics of the social security.The reform of China's social security system has been carried on under the great historic background that the planned economic system is on its drastic transition to the market economic system in China and that it has theoretically been consistently under argument and criticism that the government "undertakes the whole things " in economy and it was like a " mess " in the equalitarian assignment system. As a result, "to give priority to efficiency with due fairness "has become one of the loud and clear slogans in the beginning of the reform. This idea has been put into practice in every aspects of China's social security system and it is also reflected within the frames of social insurance. In the beginning, the government failed to deal with the transformation cost of the social security. Thus, individuals' payment rate is higher than the social pool rate in carrying on the policy of "combination of social pool with personal account". But by 2000, the fairness idea began to get more emphasis and attention in social security. The government starts to undertake the transformation cost through transfer payment, such as to sell-off state-owned shares, and to substantiate the social security fund. The proportions of individual payment to the social pool are changed from 16∶4 into 8 ∶ 20. When reexamining the notions in the beginning of the reform, we find that the reform was carried out on an inadequate theoretical basis. For it has confused the government's role in the fields of social service and economy development; it has simplified in transplanting the idea of fair and efficiency in resource distribution to the field of reallocating. We believe that during the social security reform it is essential that theory...
Keywords/Search Tags:Scientific Development View, Social Security Idea, Social Security Theory, The Route Choosing
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