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The Factor Of Japan In Taiwan Issue

Posted on:2008-02-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H ZhaoFull Text:PDF
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Taiwan issue is one of the three major tasks that China need to address in the first of the 21st century. The mainly cause that the Taiwan issue has not been resolved is external resistance. One of the biggest obstacles is the United States, though Japan is no as powerful as USA, it plays a significant role. The United States can't make a great impact on the Taiwan issue without Japanese support and military bases. Therefore, the study of the Japanese factor in Taiwan issue has great significance for seeking the diffenence between the United States and Japan, realizing the reunification of our country.This paper is divided into three parts: the first part is mainly to analyze the historical background of Taiwan issue, the second part is a comprehensive analysis of the reason of Japan's involvement in the Taiwan issue,in the third part ,the thesis analysis of Japan's diplomatic the characteristics and put forward a strategic choice for China.
Keywords/Search Tags:Taiwan issue, the factor of Japan, reunification
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