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The Study On The Model Of Urban Community Endowment Providing For Empty-nest Family In City

Posted on:2009-03-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360275457477Subject:Social security
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Along with the aging of population in our country and the elderly empty-nest ever increasing proportion of families, the problem of providing for empty-nesters has become an unneglectable issue in our social life in China. Particularly owing to the implementation of family planning policy and the fierce competition in society, the problem of cities empty-nest elderly family is more serious than in rural areas. Based on the structure of the family gradually small, traditional family support has been unable to meet China's current situation. Due to slow development of institutions, and high charges, institutions support is unable to meet the majority of the urban elderly empty-nest's requirements. In such conditions, the endow- ment of community service is becoming increasingly important.It's cost is very low , and the elderly live in a familiar environment. the city empty- nest elderly family welcome the service pattern in community .Using questionnaires and interviews, this paper mainly choose to research the"International cosmopolitan"community,"south inner ring 1"community of Taiyuan ,"JinCheng Coal Company organs"community in Shanxi Province of the empty-nest for the elderly family survey. The survey is not only about the current forms of cities empty-nest elderly family support,but also the satisfaction existing community . The paper's study use the existing policy, data and literature study.This paper is divided into six parts, Firstly, the situation of China's entry into the ageing of society and the city empty-nest of elderly families increasing proportion, how to support cities empty nest of the elderly family become important. Secondly, the paper analysis the existing pensi -on model, the needs of older persons and the supply model, relevant to the survey data analysis of research the"International cosmopolitan"commu -nity,"south inner ring 1"community of Taiyuan ,"JinCheng Coal Company organs"community in Shanxi Province of the empty-nest for the elderly family survey. This paper think endowment model more suitable for urban elderly empty-nest families. Thirdly, On the basis of studying the puzzles and challenges of endowment patterns of western developed countries and of current endowment patterns of our country, this paper proposes the Ideal community endowment patterns . The fourth part of the paper tells the advantages, feasibility and restricting factors of old-age community support model, summing up in its application .Analysising and summing up the experience of community service , Part V proposed construction of urban communities pension system and the overall framework of the specific contents. Part VI is the promotion of community development endowment model; Part VII is the full text summary of this paper summa- rized the main results and conclusions, pointing out that the limitations of this study and needs further study.In the section of Construction of urban communities,this paper propose that community is the main carrier of endowment, the region Including region of the city streets's jurisdiction. community endowment is the implementation of the main government, non-profit organizations and volunteers, their commitment to a different responsibilities and tasks; community endowment sources of funding through the state's financial subsidies, and social forces as well as the donor community to raise self manner; the community are the main contents of pension from community care, community activities, the three community health care system to meet the needs of older persons. In the promotion of community development endowment model this part of the measures put forward in the promotion of all facts, this target will be realized ultimately.
Keywords/Search Tags:population aging, empty-nest family in city, community endowment model
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