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Women's Federation, Safeguarding Interests For Women

Posted on:2010-10-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S M LiuFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is mainly about the Women's Federation and Women's interests. I select the Women's Federation of W city as a case and adopt some datas of the section which safeguards women's legal interests. Theories of Social Gender is adopted. The paper pays much attention to the outputs of the Women's Federation. As the Women's Federation has two roles—as a semi-government and as a semi- NGO, this paper analyses the advantages and disadvantages of the Women's Federation and also makes some ideas , so that the Women's Federation can effectively promote women's development and turn the equality of women come true .This paper is divided into four parts:Introduction: Account for the origin, meaning of the issue, and introduce the theoretical framework, research methods adopted.PartⅡ: Use the Women's Federation of W city as an example. Analyze the datas of the section which safeguards women's legal interests in Women's Federation of W city . Aims to analyse the outputs of the Women's Federation .PartⅢ: Focus on the roles of the Women's Federation, and point out its advantages and disadvantages.PartⅣ: Some countermeasures are put forward to better the Women's Federation so that it can effectively promote the women's development and turn the equality of women come true.
Keywords/Search Tags:the Women's Federation, Safeguarding women's legal interests
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