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Problems And Countermeasures On Open Government Affairs In Our Country

Posted on:2011-11-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Z MengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360308965061Subject:Government management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Political affairs open, as a conversion of the governance mode, is an important world trend of administrative development and the essential requirement of democratic development. For the transition period of China, it not only meets the needs of democratic construction, but also becomes a necessary means to improve the socialist market economic system. It makes great effect especially in building a transparent government, preventing and curbing corruption. By the sight of the local government political affairs open effect and democratic supervision, the writer tries to examine the interaction between the administrative office and the people. Besides, he makes efforts seeking a new style of communication for the government and civilians. In research methods, sticking closely to the key point "Local government political affairs open " and making use of logical thinking and dialectical thinking methods, the writer perspectives the social hot spots and analysises the social conflicts, both based on reality and history. It refers to the research of theories and the practice of exploration. The article analysises the problems in general of the current local government political affairs open, and presents the solutions through the research in Dongying.This article is divided into five parts. The introduction determines the objective to be achieved in this article in view of the problems to be raised and the summarization commentary essays in recent years. The first chapter is an overview of political affairs open. It defines the main concepts, analyses the historical origins of domestic and foreign government political affairs open, and tries to elucidate its important role in improving the local governance. The second chapter expounds the current status of our local government political affairs open with the overall evaluation on it and approaches the significance. The article focuses on analyzing the model, finding differences in comparison so as to investigate and study the general situation in Dongying. The third chapter analyses the current problems in local government political affairs open, and strives to identify the causes, multi-leveled and perspective. It sums up the experience and studies the law in view of the characteristics, the innovation methods and the problems of Dongying government political affairs open. The fourth chapter proposes the solutions and tries to explore the ways of choices for the local government political affairs open through discussing the internal mechanisms of the political system which includes the supervision system, the quality of the party and government cadres, and e-government and through discussing the external environment and the communication system.
Keywords/Search Tags:Local government, Political affairs open, The ways of choices
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