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Permanent Tenancy System In The Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2011-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R PengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2166360332455507Subject:Legal history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
There is a long history about permanent tenancy system, whatever in the east or west. As a significant tenancy system, which had been used much widely. It can cause new consideration for land contract system that has a few flaws in Chinese rural area. In the paper, the mainly discussing object is the permanent tenancy in Ming Dynasty when it played an important parts in the development of Chinese land tenure system. The article is expected to distinguish the concept between the permanent tenure system and the "one field, two owners", then illustrate the land transfer in the permanent tenancy system included the occurrence of permanent tenant relations, the rights, obligations and the unequal relations between the landlords and tenants in Ming Dynasty, based on a lot of documents collection and analysis. Furthermore the article analyzes the intrinsic source of permanent tenancy system, which contains the simple fair awareness, the clan mentality and the agriculture thought which Chinese ancient labors held. At last, the paper contacts the various phenomena, such as farmer enthusiasm declined, the land was abandoned severely, the benefits of the farmers are damaged, emerged in our current rural land system, in order to find a program to solve the problem of rural land——establish the permanent tenancy of new rural land contracting system, coordinate with the corresponding rural social security system and achieve the land scale operation, which can effectively promote the economic development in rural areas.The article is divided into three parts to study the Ming Dynasty permanent tenancy system. The first part of the permanent tenancy system overview, Its concept, content and other aspects of permanent tenancy system described, and Confused on the concept of comparative analysis. The second part of the permanent leasehold system from the contents of the Ming Dynasty starting, Produced by means of analysis of the system, True lease and its reference to conduct feasibility studies, and John described the system of the main tenant rights and obligations of both sides, Rights and obligations of the parties to find root causes of inequality. This section also elaborated the permanent transfer of land under tenancy status, the turnover of the previous system and concept of traditional considerable breakthrough. It promotes social development. Last part of the permanent leasehold system from the Ming Dynasty the underlying causes, the embodiment of traditional culture and the impact on future generations made the system such as assessment. These to reflect on our contemporary problems of rural land system, Make use of traditional permanent tenancy system to new ideas to solve these problems, and made a detailed system design.
Keywords/Search Tags:Permanent tenancy system, One field, two owners, Contract, Land tenure system
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