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Reseach Of The Community Autonomy From The Perspective Of Public Governance

Posted on:2012-03-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ChiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167330335450754Subject:Administrative Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The value pursuit under the background of Governance theory is to change the traditional management model, that is to say that the government that is executing state management of social affairs and the only center of power, turns to be the government-the market-the three pillars of social governance and pluralistic society. However, the Government is no longer the only implementation of social core of power management. This means that the basis of the composition of urban grass-roots units-the community, becomes a governace body managing community affairs and meet the needs of residents of the community, which makes it necessary in theory and reasonable to give community residents autonomy.With the development of economy, people's life has been improved a lot. However, at the same time, people have a lot of complaints to the Government and the State. Why will it happen? It's because of unsatisfaction of the need and the lack of access to the public opinion. The government needs to change and the management mode of the city that is close to the masses needs to be changed, too. We must mobilize all positive factors widely and fully, and continuously improve the ability to build a socialist harmonious society. During the process of building this kind of society, the building of the harmonious community is an important part. How to govern the community? This essay tends to emphasize the resident self-management.The basic form of Autonomy of the residents in community, through the development, consists of three main modes:the first one is the executive-led government, emphasizing the relationship between the government and the community, expanding the community under government-led self-management, administration and its strong sense; the second is autonomy model, it emphasizing the strengthening of autonomy, self-management. In some cases conditions are not ripe, it results in some of the social management of government affairs in the absence; the third one is the hybrid model, emphasizing the division of the government and the community well, but not solving the autonomous communities Mechanism during the operation. We can say that the autonomy of our community has been improved, but more efforts are needed compared with the rural autonomy. Therefore, with the guidance and governance theory, this paper presents some ways of the development of community self-management.
Keywords/Search Tags:community autonomy, governance theory, grassroots, democracy sense of participation, civil society
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