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Practical Logic Of Civil Society Organizaitons In The Community Of Grassroots Governance

Posted on:2013-06-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L L SongFull Text:PDF
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In the period of the unit system, the neighborhood offices and the traditionalcommunity was basically engulfed by the unit, thus their effects were essentiallynegligible,"basically in the unit system’s power remaining stage, played the role ofthe Strategic decisions".“Urban management system reform from two levels ofgovernment, three management levels of government” to “two levels of government,three management, four network.” Urban management networks enhanced theneighborhood and community organizations.Functions hosted by the unit were given to the community as the unit ofgovernance change in governance to the community. A single neighborhoodorganizations can not bear the functions released by the unit the organizations, so theconstruction of the community need to nurture a community of civil societyorganizations to achieve the management of community-based organizations. Tonurture the neighborhood committees to mobilize core autonomous networks, thestate provides a great public space, community non-governmental organizations has arapid development.The community civil society organizations in the community’s grass-rootgovernance follow a certain logic of practices. In the existing power structure, thedevelopment of the civil society organizations in the community needs thegovernment’s support to follow the attachment of logic, such as the granting ofpolitical legitimacy as well as the supply of resources. Community civic organizationsand the Government is a co-operative relationship, which can also be said that theexchange of legitimacy. The community non-governmental organizations hold theresources of social capital, while the state owns the legitimacy and material resources.In this cooperation, they have common interests, but also to achieve their respectivegoals. The cooperation of national and community non-governmental organizationsmeans that the governance of community-based logic is changing that administrativeviolence needs to be achieved through informal, social means. Elite-led logic isanother logical development of the community of civil society organizations. Under the auspices of the community elite, the community non-governmental organizationshave a rapid development. Instability of the elite has also decided the unsustainabilityof the community of civil society organizations, thus the sustainability is a veryimportant issue.In the pattern of communities in China, the spaces of national and communityautonomy are not a shift in the relationship but an interactive cooperation.Strengthening Community grassroots’ political power and nurturing the communitywere a high degree of coincidence, the community of civil society organizations cannot develop without the support of the state, the country’s social construction andmanagement requires the participation of civil society.
Keywords/Search Tags:community-based governance, legitimacycommunity non-governmental organizations
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