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An Experimental Study Of Solution-focused Group Counseling On College Students Of Career Decision Making Self Efficacy

Posted on:2012-01-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W M ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167330335451684Subject:Development and educational psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Career decision making self-efficacy refers to the individual careers of theirown related tasks required to complete confidence in the ability level, and its leveldirectly related to the success of his career. Previous studies have shown thatself-concept more powerful, higher level of development of their career. Since careerplanning career decision-making is in the early part, and students are in a transitionperiod before and after the inauguration, for the present and the future developmentof adaptation and selection are at a stage, training students to career decision makingself-efficacy is particularly important.Career counseling on college students, our educational research is still in theexploratory stage, based on the previous studies,this study use the Long Lirong andPENG Yongxin questionnaire prepared to do in Chongqing University of Survey4,and with the Solution-Focused Brief Therapy,compilation of a groupcounseling,and through experiment research has confirmed the validity of this groupcounseling. Overall, this research mainly got the following conclusions:(1) Chongqing college students' career decision-making self-efficacy overalllevel is low. Judging from all the dimension scores highest scoring, collectinformation, making plans lowest scored in gathering information, show that collegeis confident, whereas when in relatively confused when planning, confidence is nothigh.(2) College students' career decision-making self-efficacy overall significantgender differences, the specific performance in self-evaluation and collectinformation, planning, problem solving in the four variables significantly boys betterthan girls.(3) College students' career decision-making self-efficacy in gender, origin,whether they are the only child, whether for professional satisfaction etc dimensionsdoes not exist significant differences. (4) College students' career decision-making self-efficacy in if there have beensignificant difference on a part-time experience dimension, a part-time experiencesignificantly better than no part-time experience.(5) Achievement motive and general self-efficacy and college students' careerdecision-making self-efficacy a significant positive correlation, and can effectivelypredict career decision-making self-efficacy level.(6) Focus group counseling solve orientation improved college students' careerdecision-making self-efficacy level, the result of the study analysis also shows that ishas follow-up effect on persistent and instantly gender effect .(7) The increases of career decision-making self-efficacy embody in three parts:in cognitive,group members have more positive self-concept in career cognition afterexperiment; in the course of action,the capacity of career planning and self-control isincreased; in attitudes,members have more self-efficacy and self-affirmation incareer attitude.(8) Focus group counseling orientation to improve solution low self-efficacy thecurative effect of the members is that focus solve the short-term factors the conceptand skills consulting itself, group members of the mutual support and learning, andmembers of the self control triggered. Among them, trigger the achievement motiveand members of the general self-efficacy of ascension that is a focus groupcounseling solve orientation career in the mechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:college students, career decision-making self-efficacy, solution focused brief counseling, group psychological training
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